Brother Joe on The People's Court - how to watch it

50  2017-09-13 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

I posted this with some streaming links so people could watch it live, but that was immediately deleted. I don't know if it's an auto-mod thing or a regular mod thing. So here's how you can legally watch it, and PM me for additional info.

It airs tomorrow, September 14th

I know a lot of you are not in the US or don't know how/when to watch this. Here's a quick rundown:

Local TV

If you live in the US, check the following site for your affiliate station and the time that it is airing:

Additionally, check this site for TV listings in your area to confirm it:

Enter your city and click one of the broadcast links and you'll get the listings for your area.

On Youtube

The following youtube channel uploads every episode of The People's Court in HD. They seem to upload it the following morning, so it'll be up Friday morning.

This other channel uploads episodes, too, but they're out of order and not obsessive about posting it:

EDIT: This channel shows it live, around 1 pm eastern:

The episode is called "Still Not Finding What He's Looking For".


Nice U2 reference! That's why they make the big bucks.

Please tell me that's the real name.

Scroll down to episode PC-21009.

Someone please make gifs of all his mannerisms

Only on this subreddit would you see a guy named "Shitlord cuntdick" being nice and helping out his buddies

He's a good egg that cuntdick.

I love this place sometimes.

And me love you long times.

Just FYI, the first stream I have shows the episode at 12 PM noon eastern time. The second one is at 1 PM eastern time. Again, PM me if needed. I can't post them here.

Here's another channel that streams it, at least one of them should have it up tomorrow.

The only thing that would make this better is if Joe lost. I can't wait to see us talked about on People's Court though.

I'm pretty sure Bro Joe won. He talked about it on his Facebook after it was originally filmed a couple/few months ago.

Oh I know he won, I was just saying this would be a better episode if he had lost...and the judge had him jailed for illegally taking child spit across state lines.

Thanks for the links. I've been waiting for this to air forever. Hopefully this'll make Joe come back here and shut up again.

I will be at work (I know most of you don't know what that is) so hoping someone can post it later on here.

Somebody typically posts them same-day on YouTube. I think it may even be a people's court account. Either way it'll be easy to find tomorrow

It is probably a reddit site thing, someone yesterday tried to post a link to openload and it auto removed it, not even the subreddit automoderator, like the reddit automoderator itself

And me love you long times.

He's a good egg that cuntdick.