Vice submitted their list for the most whiniest, low-key toxic subreddits. ONCE AGAIN, WE DID NOT MAKE ONE OF THESE KINDS OF LISTS.

73  2017-09-12 by TangerineReam


We're clearly not saying "nigger", "kike" and "faggot" enough.

Surely coontown couldn't have been as vile as this sub.

I am, I swear!

That's the problem clearly you are not swearing enough

I knew Opie should have had Vos instead of the Cuban!

I know I've been doing my part. I really ramped up the Jew hate lately.

The kikeometer is off the charts this month!

We're getting readings that shouldn't even be possible!

Oy vey

We can do better, breadheads.

Never even heard of r/pussypass before.

Fawkin kitty cats tossin a ball around or sumthin

How many people do i have to call gay and to go kill them selves before we make a list!

475,698 more people.

Only a bunch of faggots like Vice would not only think that such a list needed to be written, but that they were the people to write it.

Any fuckhead with a camera phone, a scarf, and a tattoo on their forearm can film something for those pearl clutching hipster shit bags. We should Photoshop their logo onto depictions of Mohammed and tweet them to radical imams

That should be the next bug project that we do for fun on this sub: Troll Vice.

what are we a bunch of arthropod biologists or something?

shut the fuck up. only a fucking proudboy like you would want to troll Gavin's old stomping grounds


Perfectly. Said.

This is.. as they say.. "META" thinking fam.. Yikes!


Take it to /pol/. Don't suck manpower away from harassing O&A.

I don't think people like them know what to think of this place, because they should hate us but at the same time the people who are made fun of the most here are right wing black crime statistic reciters and millionaires who step on homeless peoples coffee cake

We're post, post modern. Even vice cant handle the layers of irony, so much so that theres no reference point for sincerity. Get on our level, you hipster faggots.

ive conducted a neo marxian phenomenological analysis of this sub and have determined we are 75% gay, 25% racist, and 100% opie haters.


Thanks, but this was posted earlier nigger.

Oh look not a single leftwing subreddit. I'm surprised.

So brave, so strong.

And yet again, SRS doesn't make the cut.

This is Vice now? Disgraceful.

Can you imagine how shitty your website has to be for it to actually get worse when Gavin leaves

Vice used to at least try to be edgy and offensive, even if most of that just came off as weird. Now they're nothing but a Buzzfeed clone.

Upon review of the said article I can confirm that the OP is 100% correct with his criticism. This sub is failing to put in 100% all day every day, and that is a fact.

The phrase 'low key' is for fags.

we should complain about this. Its not fair.

By Vice you mean some worthless clickbait blogger who makes just enough to fuck little kids.

Oh yeah, I remember when we all hated Joe DeRosa. Them were the days.

Reddit is disgusting outside of those subs though

I solely blame Cumia, Norton and Hughes for this.

How the fuck are we supposed to get any heat or notoriety with those three lazy deadbeats circling the drain and dragging us down.

Lol at the non-ironic use of triple parentheses


The one for r/European is so goddamn stupid.

circle-jerk about all the Muslim immigrants coming to rape and kill their beautiful European women.

I mean Muslim immigrants are killing people in Europe.

Only white murder victims are worth mourning

I've never been to that subreddit, but I guarantee nobody there is trying to make that point. Nice straw man, you fucking idiots.

I was passed ova!"

You're right, John


gotta say gook, nigger, and faggot more i suppose. also, fuck women

Oh, c'mon. r/cringeanarchy and r/imgoingtohellforthis aren't even that explicit anymore...

maybe they just got this place confused with the incels.


at least Vice's writers and publicists will always top my list of 'cancerous hipsters determined for total extermination'

Fuck the whitey!

You're a faggot for paying attention to vice. You're also a faggot if you watch stephen colbert. Go kill yourself faggot.

You want to be on that list? Let the Trump praising begin!

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

thats like the greatest hits of the internet!

It's honestly amazing how shitty Vice got.

Vice makes me want to go to Brooklyn and start gunning down all of those fucking hipsters.

Surely coontown couldn't have been as vile as this sub.

I am, I swear!

I knew Opie should have had Vos instead of the Cuban!

You're right, John