Important Reminder - In a couple of years, Sam's son will ask to play with his cherished wrestling action figures.

3  2017-09-12 by McGowan9

Sam will, of course, refuse him and will try to explain that Daddy's dolls are for Daddy and Daddy alone.

The toddler child will rebel against this most lightweight of excuses and Sam will be forced into striking the child.

His divorce will follow suit and,Jess will finally enjoy the unencumbered dickings she's loved up until this point.


Edgar will be killing cats in the neighborhood

I can't wait until Sam walks in on little Sam Jr. sticking his Macho Man action figure inside of his asshole.

I hope the kid is opposite of him and is one of those freaks that are six foot in fifth grade and beats Sam

lol, the kid turns out to be a quarterback jock that doesn't invite his father anywhere

I'm hoping Edgar has OCD that he has to open packages nothing can be sealed and if he is caught then stopped he shits on floor and wipes it on walls

It'll be much worse. He'll make the kid get his own collection and thus increase wrestling dolls in his hosuehold even more.

that was his secret plan all along

he'll create a long line of WWE toy slaves

No, their collection will be separate and they'll respect each other's property. They'll have two of the same dolls in each collection.

Sam will also force Edgar to collect them. The kid will want to fuck girls and do drugs, and Sam will be disappointed in him for not playing with toys.

I hope the kid demands Barbi's, lots of Barbi's and a couple of Ken's.

And only undresses the Ken dolls with his teeth

Sams mom will coddle another one into queerness

The kid will have nervous breakdown by ten worrying that his hair will fall out and look silly like his dad

He'll come home from work one day and his son will have ripped open the packaging on his first edition Hulk Hogan so he can play with it and Sam will strangle him to death.

No, their collection will be separate and they'll respect each other's property. They'll have two of the same dolls in each collection.

Sam will also force Edgar to collect them. The kid will want to fuck girls and do drugs, and Sam will be disappointed in him for not playing with toys.