REMINDER: Fucking with the Cumia Brothers' livelihood is the right thing to do.

9  2017-09-12 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Because they'll never learn either way, so it doesn't matter. Plus it's effective at getting under their skin.

So have fun.


We don't have to fuck with their livelihoods, they'll destroy it themselves because they're white trash long island Sicilian sandniggers

We HAVE fucked with their livelihoods though, with great joy.

Chill out bro

I don't mess with people's money. Not something I'm comfortable with.

All liberals need to be shot in the back of the head.

You honestly think it's a good idea to mess with Joe Cumia, of people's court fame?

Nope. It would distract from my Opie and Opie Jr hate. I only have so much to go around.