Hey Keith, remember this, you incompetent blob of shit?

121  2017-09-12 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


why is anthony fat and smoking? Also didnt know Ant was all in with Imperial Japs.

Dont distract keith he's currently running down a bundle to aid in arties recovery.

just a snort for courage

I thought you said bundle of aids

"If you build it, he will come."

"If it's less than 9, he will come."

And if she's less than 9, it's Ant who's likely to come.

Please tell me you didn't just post that.

Fucking oooooof.

Oh yeah, referring to Ant as a pedophile in this sub is way outta line. GTF outta here with your fake outrage, son.

Oh I was hoping you weren't that thick. Tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but holy shit!

What joke do you think I was making there, sport?

Except mine said "it's" and yours said "she's..."

Given his tranny-fucking exploits and a chance to cool down...ya wanna try again, idiot?

Wow. How fucking stupid can you get?

You should defo eat my cum

What a strange thing to pick up on when someone is revealing Vos levels of stupidity and Opie levels of arrogance.

I'm a different person ya dingle

Yes, I can read, dude.

You still picked up on my use of the word "defo" as opposed to the aforementioned idiocy.

Does being a separate idiot to this other cunt mean I can't comment on that? Fucking hell.

Boy you write too much about dumb shit, just leave it alone

just leave it alone

Alright Opie.

Thats the bit!!!

Sure it is.

Here is some stand up you wrote which I think is quite amusing:

I read recently that in just 50 years we’ll be able to have sex on tap with futuristic robots. I say why wait? Stephen Hawking’s not getting any younger and beggars can’t be choosers. It'd be good for people suffering with erectile dysfunction and disabled people which is nice and all, but there was an interview with a bloke who judges on Robot Wars and his comment seemed so pompous. “Like everything else,” he said, “it’s about balance.” Presumably he’s either shagging a pilates instructor or he thinks he’s Yoda. “Bring balance to the force, you must. Stop wanking by yourself on that seesaw or arrested you will be.” Who knows...maybe you wouldn’t get nicked. You’d be amazed at the stuff that goes on completely out in the open, even sex crimes. Just last Friday I was walking home after 1 too many orange Bacardi Breezers and I saw a sign in a shop which, in my bleary eyed state, said “Doggy Grooming”... "So that’s where they buy the puppies" I thought to myself.

You limey fucks make it too obvious

Thanks for sharing. I don't do stand up but I'm confident with this genius you'll make it.

you seriously should consider eating his cum though. it might be fun

What the actual fuck are you on about you blithering idiot?

Why are you even getting involved? If anyone has alt accounts I'd say it's you white-knighting this cretin.

He deleted them

Lol what did he say

I think it was cop custom to impale yourself with a sword after an epic failure? Or was that the gooks? I can't remember. Either way, it wouldn't have made that mess completely right, but it would have been a great start from Keith.

I thought it was cop custom to impale yourself with a sword after an epic failure? Or am I thinking of the gooks? I can't remember. Either way, it wouldn't have made that mess completely right, but it would have been a great start from Keith.

I liked that shirt

Guise, Keith ain't thin. Fat is an unexplored angle with that guy.

You should defo eat my cum

Thanks for sharing. I don't do stand up but I'm confident with this genius you'll make it.

He deleted them

Lol what did he say