Speaking of 9/11 remember that story opie told

117  2017-09-12 by Jackthejew

About how he destroyed the tables of people selling pictures of 9/11 outside of the memorial like he was Christ kicking the Pharisees out of the temple.


bloody knucks

Ah yes. 3x5 stomp didnt go as viral as the other one.

It wasn't as funny

He just loves stomping shit.

He could have been a model, a scientist, a mathematician, he's worked for the mafia, stomped on 9/11 exploiters' shops and punches walls until his knuckles bleed when he's angry.

This Opie dude sound like one bad ass mo'trucker!

Yeah that's why they call him Opie the Destroyer

You forgot underwater ninja

I must have missed that one. Do you remember what video he said that?

Also forgot father of two children conceived with his lovely wife, the creative vision of the O&A show, close friends with legend Patrice O'Neal, has a nice piece, etc.

Really? You punched the french guy in the head, 60ft underwater? What true thing happened next?!?

Black ninja fuck face

And dog killer

Basketball player too.

Not afraid to call a spade a spade either

Because he claims he said it with the "er" which was in then. Then claims he couldn't even get he whole word out before he was knocked out

Nah nah, he was "apart of the basketball culture"

I've seen him in person, he's like 5'6".

Well, he does own one of "Pistol" Pete Maravich's bounced checks.

You forgot the time he was cracking everyone up on jury duty with his hilarious responses.

He watched Pauley Shore's Jury Duty and made it his own.

and his family was a church. there was a loop hole , you see. his father registered his family as a church.

they've closed the loop hole now, though

And despite the loophole they still grew up poor as dirt. He's a product of The Hood. No wonder he turned out to be such a vicious, volatile, Pepperidge Farm eating junkyard dog!

And that church had a field that he plowed with his bike. Gregg Hughes, as a child, attached farm equipment to his Huffy, and plowed a field.

I don't know how people even pretended to like him. I would love to hear the trashings that Ant and Jimmy gave him behind his back.

one bad ass mother hucker, you don't want to play with the psycho.

He was a candy kid.

What's the mafia one?

"Dey treated me good, dey were LEGIT"

This was my breaking point. I don't go.aroumf telling lies, so I couldn't see what he would. He said he kicked over a table or whatever, and I was done.

Opie don't play that!

"The cops saw me but were like this guy is cool, then they gave me some high fives and told me they love the show and deputised me"

I honestly don't know if he really said that or if you're just making that up and attributing it to him. That's how shitty Opie's lies are.

Didn't he say he rollerbladed away, too? Or was that a different true story?

Opie pictures himself kicking the table like Leonidas kicking that tall fellow into the well in 300. "THESE....ARE...TATAAAS!!"

I know, I hate that word but I really couldn't think of a better rhyme.

Link to the 911 table destroying story?

I looked I can't find it.

Sometime in October 2004. It's mentioned in the Hindsight Report but I didn't see the link.

he saw that show rescue me and copied dennis leary