Went to subscribe to Compound...

22  2017-09-12 by Anti-Locust

... based on my AA curiosity getting the best of me, but fawk has anyone seen the Compound website?? What a shitty design and lineup of shows. I don't know if can follow through with subscribing. It's not even about the money. I'd be too embarrassed to have it on my credit card statement. Someone upload the shows please.


I considered it for a few minutes. I can't justify paying as much as I do for Netflix or Spotify for one show that is definitely going to be hit-or-miss anyway. I'd do it for $3/month.

It's worth paying $9 to see what happens to Joe Matarese tomorrow.

No it's not because that will definitely be leaked to here.

Rogan, Maron, Burr, Pollack, Norm, and others... all free podcasts. And Cumia wants us to pay essentially a Netflix subscription value for his one show? I like the guy, but I just can't justify it.

I think you get a bunch of shows, but who the fuck wants to watch any of them aside from AA?

Unless Chips on, no desire at all.

All of them make their main $$ as standups/acting, which Cumia cannot. The only exception is Rogan, who is probably making serious advertising $$.

He should just do a free show, put it on YouTube for the ad revenue, and run a patreon for his racist fans to give him $60000 directly.

Seriously, who puts up a paywall? No successful poscast/YouTube personality I can think does that.


Booze and heroin do not pay for themselves.

Agree, $3 is perfect and I would subscribe

Just remember: your money is going into the Brother Joe welfare fund.

Shows not entertaining enough to pay for and its not entertaining enough to torrent it.

I'd probably torrent it when they have on guests on I'm interested in, but I'm sure it's not worth it to anybody with a sub to rip the file and seed it.

seed it.

make sure to water it too tsssssssss

Didn't you hear In Hot Water is the craziest show ever!!! They say racist shit like it's 1995.

When Gavin was there it was worth it.

Now they get rid of their best show and then hike the price up? The show didnt need Artie. The could've gotten a co-host that would've accepted 20 grand a year plus the publicity.

And he should get rid of the NYC studio which probably cost a couple G's a month, considering NYC-quality guests are never on.

Yeah, but the problems with the studio in the city will be fixed once they open a studio in the ci.... wait a minute.

But how do you get equipment

The shows are even worse than the site. Also subscribing after 1.5 good shows is a mistake.

i've considered it myself but the rest of the lineup looks awful. it's like an altright shit fest.