Sam thought 9/11 happened 2 generations ago.

31  2017-09-11 by greeneyedunicorn2

This fool is stupid by welfare queen standards.


Urban generations

Lol. Grandpa at 27

Sam is in his late 30s

There are 25 year olds who didn't really pay attention to it at the time. He's not far off.

2 generations in 16 years? What a colossal simpleton. And no one in studio called him out. What a fucking bucket of shit this show is.

He corrected himself to "maybe 1 and a half generations"

He corrected himself to "maybe 1 and a half generations"

Sam is so immature that he considers 4 years of high school a "generation."

Sam is a very stupid man.

Calling him a "man" is a stretch. He had to call a man to change his flat tyre.

He called fucking 911 to change his flat tire.

not to defend the little shit,but 16 years IS 2 black generations..

He does have the hair to pass as a welfare queen

But seriously, Sam is an uninformed goon.

Sam's mom fucked the nigger milkman.

His name was Antwan.

To be fair, do we know how long a generation lasts for Sam's species?

he also thought he wouldn't look like he was wearing a brillo pad yamaka at age 34. people think things, sir!