Okay, we get it, Joe. You're "deep".

32  2017-09-11 by DooshLord


You're not really experiencing a sensory deprivation tank unless you take your phone in with you to post this mind numbingly stupid shit on instagram.

Its just rambling nonsense

This sounds like pretentious, pseudo-intelligent drivel to me. This is what happens when a vain, uneducated, roided-up 5'1" shitkicker tries to feign thoughtfulness and spirituality. He sounds like a depressed sixteen year old stoner who's failing school. Youre a windbag with a podcast Joe. Not Plato.

Plato ... more like Play DOH!

More like a-booooooooooo

G'on now!

2 human lifetimes of recorded weather history, but millions of years of scientific proof that gives us a damn good idea of what the fuck was going on.

you act like scientists can read the carbon levels in old-ass ice n shiznit

This is why you shouldn't move to California, kids.

I wouldn't have thought this was profound if I was 15 years old on mushrooms.

I read this while doing yoga and pumping caveman coffee up my ass, it changed my life.

The really cringey thing is how many people eat this shit up. A lot of people think Joe Rogan is smart and it blows my mind. He reads a few science articles and thinks he is Carl Sagan.

Jim Norton being one of them.

I don't recall Carl Sagen ever selling 'Alpha Brain' vitality potion on his podcast site.

As opposed to the anonymous redditor.

At least try to make sense, retard.

Good one.

Lol you didn't even try to expand on your point. I win.

A big storm every few years is "insanely volatile?"

Joe and all of his acolytes chief concern is "sounding smart" or convincing people they're smart. Never EVER is it "being funny." Joe, Ari Shaffir, Tony Hinchcliffe, Duncan Trussell. So boring.

Horrifying, magnificent sky monster? Sounds like little Jimmy being drunk on Zimas at 16.

Joe got his hands on some very good weed recently it seems.

Dont blame the weed. This man is a massive douche

I initially read this thinking Brother Joe wrote it and was pleasantly surprised at how coherent is was.

All of us aren't as wok as you..

Stay safe, freak bitches

Winners Don't Do Drugs! (tm)

''Bears the size of a Winnebago'' - Just fawkin imagine that.

I love Joe but this is fuckin cringe

Rogan, Matarese, Brother... why are Joes always terrible

Boy is as deep as he is tall.

Pot talk Tuesday!

Lol you didn't even try to expand on your point. I win.