Where were you at on the 9/11?

8  2017-09-11 by CaptainJeanLucPeckah

It was the first day of my sophomore year of high school. First heard what happened during third period Chem-us-tree. I could see the skyline from my bedroom window and will never forget how all of lower Manhattan was obscured by that dust/smoke cloud.

Brits not welcome in this thread.


Third grade teacher rolled a tv into the room and we watched titanic until we got picked up from school.

That movie has a nude scene, that's vulgar

Better for the kids to see Winslet tittes instead of mass carnage. Pretty life affirming, actually. That was a good call.

Don't remember. I was 3.

Isn't it past your bedtime

Mom says I can stay up as late as I want

Wtf. How old were u when u started listening to o&a?

Around 13, only ever listened on YouTube

Ssssssure I'll give ya something to Never Forget

You completely missed out on when the US didn't suck.

Freshman year high school. Accelerated geometry...Fawkin brutal class. I was such a faggot back then. Still am now.

I was at my muddas house laughin my balls off

I'm British and I'm glad it happened.

It'll happen to you queers soon enough

I can go to any muslim community in the United States and shit won't happen to me. You go to a no go zone in faggy England, you'll get beheaded.

I hope London goes dark for 500 years.

I was on united 93. I jumped out just before it crashed into the ground. I don't like to mention it for obvious reasons.

Gotta keep it vague..

Thank god for your time caddying for the mob and your brilliant mathematician mind or you would have never stuck that landing.

I hate to break it to you, but considering you were so close to ground zero and consequently inhaled the dust, you are almost certainly going to eventually develop some type of interstitial lung disease. Possibly Wegner's granulomatosis, pulmonary fibrosis, or sarcoidosis. Wegner's almost always fatal within 18 months. Hopefully, it's idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, where you can live up to five years from diagnosis. Good luck.

Eh...I was in Queens. Never set foot in lower Manhattan at that time and not for a few years afterwards. Anyway, thanks for the well wishes. I'll let you know when I start coughing up weird shit.

Freshman year high school in art class. A friend of mine named birdman popped his head into class to say "the fuckin pakis bombed us". Cut school to get stoned the rest of the day.

All in all sounds like a pretty good day

Senior year of college. Woke up and we didn't have cable installed yet so put the TV on and saw the second one hit on the fucking Today Show. Still can't fucking believe it. For some reason the moment that got to me was when the TV networks started reporting that a bomb went off at the State Department. That felt like it was going to be even more than what had already happened. Unreal. The O&A show from that night is pretty good, actually.

Yay, someone older than me. I was in my junior year of college and left a chem class. Put Stern on the Discman I had bought the day before and heard the news. Walked into the student center just in time to see the first building crumble. Took the rest of the day off, listened to Stern and watched the news while my roommates slept through most of it. Hearing all the rumors about Camp David etc. getting attacked from the Stern show didn't help the anxiety.

Brits not welcome in this thread.

But Arabs are?

Truly a national tragedy. The day that America came together as one against Terrorism and those who Hate Our Way Of Life and wish to Destroy Our Freedoms. God bless America. God bless the troops. God bless football and baseball and warm apple pies. And god bless you all, even the non-whites and homosexuals.

I was being fingered by my math teacher.

Did he make you smell his finger afterwards?

He made me taste it :(

Getting ready to leave for (useless, shitty) film school and heard Howard talking about it. Turned on the news. Yesus.

I still watch the Howard 9/11 commemorative special around this time every year. It's pretty cathartic watching them work through it and process it as events unfold. I missed all the "as it happened" coverage for being in school but I've seen a lot of on YouTube. Everybody abruptly shifting them "must've been an accident" to "oh shit terrorism" is so chilling.

I remember going to work and then listening to O&A talk about it, from the satellite studio in Long Island. For some reason I cant go back and listen to it, it feels weird. It was a moment in time and revisiting it just feels yucky to me somehow.

I was in 12th grade (germany). I had a rough night of drinking and skipped school. Hungover on the couch. I thought "well they surely cant be that dumb to start a war over this."

Go start another genocide or something you filthy Kraut

you wont even let us have nuclear weapons you cunt

How can you be trusted with nukes when we couldn't even trust you with trains!

were trustworthy with nukes enough that we keep yours safe in büchel. you just wont let us have some of our own.

Büchel sounds gay.

yeah because you cant pronounce it

Your food stinks and the women are unkempt!



I lived about an hour from NYC.I was in 5th grade homeroom and my teacher was on the phone. I remember being home with all the channels having the news on, wondering when the Cartoon Network would go back to normal.

Brit checking in. Keep milking this shit for another 16 years

Not a Brit so -

Was walking to school bus when old woman runs out of a care home shouting "Americas bombed, Americas bombed". We all laughed at her. Then got on bus and heard Pentagon was bombed and thought - fuck that place is important

Got home and saw the Towers were hit and tried to get out of school for the next day by feigning sadness

I went home for lunch in 7th grade (Town of 4000~ my school was five minutes from my house) and it was on the news. Had some memorably good hamburgers. Went back to school and for the remaining three periods our teacher tried to explain global terrorism to confused, probably slightly shocked 12 year olds.

i was off from school jumping around the living room and thought the news footage was a movie.

Was having intercourse in my dorm room. We saw the first plane hit. I was so distracted she was able to shove me off and escape my room screaming for help. Fucking terrorists.

Jerking off in the shower after freshman football practice

Washington, DC. Suckin peckas.

Mom says I can stay up as late as I want