Anthony "Brundlefly" Cumia

68  2017-09-11 by fingerofgawd


Anthony "Sea of Tranquility" Cumia

His skin looked more dead than usual this week.

Pure White Aryan Genes

He's doing wonders for my self-esteem; there's no way in hell I look worse than this classless beer drenched pederast.

He's richer than you though so that may take you back down a few pegs.

Yeah but with his vast fortune, that's the best he could make himself look? He's ghastly.

Good point. Keep that self esteem soaring there then!

Oh, that's disgusting.

Obviously the black community is to blame, just look at the stats.

I can see a the stats in that scatter plot on his face.

You're mistaken, Sir, that's clearly Ben Grimm.

Car crash victim's head went through a windscreen then as the seatbelt and chair absorbed the slack pulled his face through the window meat mincer again.

That ain't acne scars. Maybe in his teen years he had his first trans lover, a Pakistani twink that Ant couldn't stay faithful to, so as is the way with the central asian browns, only a bucket of acid to the cheaters face could right that wrong.


Holy shit, it's uncanny!

He's a monster in every possible sense.

Except he is not scary. He's the only monster to get beat up by a girl.

He can keep chopping out the back of his head to harvest follicles to place on top, But its just going to keep pulling his hairline farther back until there is nothing left.

He is a literal ghoul, the myth incarnate

Those look too deep just to be acne scars. What the fuck happened to him?

Looks like he went to pop a can of confetti but it was filled with shrapnel instead.

Papa Cumio knew his son was one of them fagulas early on and made him pay dearly.

I prefer to keep it like the Joker where we don't ever really find out how he got those scars.

He shaves with a belt sander

No, that might smooth him out a little.

He ran for president in Ukraine and got poisoned.

Right. Looks like he tried to give a blow job to a porcupine. Hard to imagine acne scars mangling a face like that

"He had acne when he was a teenager than he couldn't control, that makes me better than him!"

You faghots really are vomit-induvingly weak, resentful and pathetic.

He has more money than you. Deal with it. He gets laideith girls your aw when you can't. Deal with it.

Don't try to construct this alternate reality where you're the winner and he's the loser. Only a weak, pathetic faggot would do that.

Learn from his example and follow it, so that one day you too can have money and get laid.

Must have been a good weekend with minimal loss at the Compound poker table.

Good for you!

You fucking faggots really are vomit-inducingly weak, resentful and pathetic.

Cool UserName

This used to work before we found out that Anthony has sex with men.

Ha ha, you conform to social norms.


Ha ha, when you have a sexual fetish you repress it because you're scared of what society thinks.

You genuinely, emotionally care about others poeolles' opinion of you.

What a pathetic, self dregrading little faggot nothing you would have to be to even post that.


Calm down Sue. Our beef is with your boyfriend, not you.

Hahaha! You said "Sue"! That's are to get you a lot of pats on the back from he group in the form of upvotes! That should give you enough of a self esteem boost to get through the week.

Well one of us has to get through the week without suicide and I don't like your chances, you crying little faggot.

Don't try and turn it around on me, group-approval-seeking faggot. You already showed your weakness, and we all saw.

group-approval-seeking faggot.

we all saw.

What an original and funny response

Thanks babe.

showed your weakness

You're an incredibly dumb and embarrassing queer. I guarantee nobody likes you here or in real life.

"I guarantee nobody likes you here" lol what a gay insult

Did I show my weakness again, tough guy.

group-approval-seeking faggot.

When you cry hard about upvotes, you really can't feign how really important it is to you.

Actually, I'm pretty awesome and have a very fulfilling life and a beautiful family, and get to work in a creative field that millions of people enjoy.


What the fuck am I doing here?

You don't make a tenth of what Anthony makes. Face it. Stop believing what you emotionally want to believe and instead acknowledge that what your physical senses show you is objectively true. Anthony is darwinistically superior to you. Your woman would leave you for him, because females are attracted to the man with the most prowess and resources. This isn't love. You're just the best she can

Actually, I do very well for myself. But thank you for your concern. I don't know why you're doing this character, it isn't really that funny. Although, me answering it with sincerity is even worse. Look, you know as well as I do that everyone here loves that stupid crater face wop. But get with the program, there is no humor in not making fun of him. And please change to another character, this one isn't very good.

If you had a daughter she would fuck Anthony against your wishes because he has money

Who said it would be against my wishes? And really, you need to stop. It's embarrassing. It's not funny and you need new material. I don't make any assumptions about any other posters here, I'm assuming plenty of them are successful or happy and have a nice families or whatever. The only person who seems really really insecure about themselves, to be honest, is you. Why am I answering a character, I should be shot for this. All right, on with you. Do this character for somebody else.

You do make assumptions. You said I was a character when here are actuallymy deepest thoights and emotions.

Well, you win. I said I wouldn't make assumptions and I made an assumption about you. You got me. But you're still a character. And I'm still answering you. It's like talking to Chip, except unlovable and even less funny. I really need to stop.

maybe the 10K mortgage was for some skin filler / laser treatment. THAT's the face of a millionare right there

He should be Sgt Barnes from Platoon every Halloween.

In the immortal words of Kramer, "He's a nigger!"

Gaddafi looked better in his last moments.

yep,thats Goldblum in the last half hour of The Fly

Daaaaaaaamn, he should slap some spackle on that muhg!