Joe Materese's hot doctor wife. No wonder he's popping pills to keep from offing himself.

8  2017-09-11 by Chip_dipperson_tss


It's telling that Joe admits on podcasts that he regularly cheats on his wife. Even he knows that she'll never seek out or listen to his unfunny babbling.

someone should make a montage for her

When you consider what an embarrassment he is, they look to be pretty well matched.

shes probably a real C to him. Ha ha

(according to Joe): she'd never been called a cunt until Joe said it .... she's sheltered & has never met a real man. & I retract my previous statement of 'I would'

Between her medical practice and singing for Rush, no wonder Joe feels inadequate

Fawkin' Geddy Lee references and shit, niche band yuma


Is there a skanky doctor in the house

I wonder if Jim Norton has fucked that tranny.

Where do you live in western canada, buddy?

Joe, is that you?

which joe?


yes, it's me. could you lend me some shoulders please. I need something for my black friends to hold on to.

She's alright, but is that Freedy Kruger out of frame tickling her ear?

She looks like Bob Saget.

I gave Joe too much credit by envisioning her this whole time as a hot milf. A "naughty doctor," if you will.

I'd still shove it in her poop chute

I don't see her - is the hot wife sitting behind the unappealing woman in the photo?


Fawkin' Geddy Lee references and shit, niche band yuma