All my heroes are dead or pedophiles :/

119  2017-09-11 by aPersonStranded


Eww. Is that Sam? Is that Sam wearing the gayest picture of Jay-Z on his shirt..?

Stupid wigger faggot. Pretends to like shit music just so he looks "down with it." He's worse than Troy.

Cmon now.

The only music people pretend to like is that shitty metal with screaming singers.

I'd rather listen to skilled drum and guitar players than hear some illiterate moron talk over shitty distorted bass beats.

That music is for people whose parents got divorced when they were 10, or they were molested as children. That is literally 99% of the fan base of that god awful music.

You guys sound like kids arguing on a middle school bus.

No, you do

Ah ha, the adult wigger is trying to take the high ground with musical superiority again. There really are few things more embarrassing than an aging white boy who loves rap.

Hey, mod, can you mod me?

Honestly I don't know. I'm more like a part time janitor, I just clean shit up reports when I see them and approve shadowbanned comments if they're funny.

I'm just pulling your pud

You think his face is distorted by the camera motion... nope.

Well, either you should start fucking children or kill yourself. Start with a rope, you can use it for either option.

Sam looks absolutely ridiculous. More so than usual.

That was when he has the pony tail, that's what fucked up his hair line

You haven't heard? The camera adds ten chromosomes.

Seeing Steve just makes me sad.


That's-- that's terrible. I'm sorry.

Why? It's not like he was murdered against his will.

Opie murdered him, drove him to suicide

This is the best stalker Stalker Patti ever looked.

FYI - Patrice was a convicted pedophile.

No, he's a convicted rapist. I understood that he was the same age as the girl.

according to Wikipedia "The act, which occurred when O'Neal was 16, would have been legal in most states, but Massachusetts lacks a close-in-age exception, and has an age of consent law of 16"

I enjoyed Patrice on the show, but participating in the gang-bang of a mentally-unstable 15 year-old is predatory and gross.


close-in-age exception "oh this was determined illegal, but its not, because by law it doesn't personally bother me as much as if he was 2 years older with no college scholarship and not feeding homeless people every Sunday, then he wouldn't deserve the pussy in my opinion which is law"

holy shit




So a sixteen year old fucking a fifteen year old is pedophilia? Shut the fuck up

Your homosexuality is "gross."

You are a retarded faggot. I hope a big black man rapes you.

You think his face is distorted by the camera motion... nope.

All my heroes are dead or pedophiles :/

or in the case of Jimmy Saville ... BOTH

Look at the hair line on Sam, someone with some photoshop skills should do a before and after, that a rough 10 years.

Ah, back when Ant's fascination with Nazi paraphernalia was funny and a little charming.

Sam fucked niggers.

Steve C. lookin gooood! Wonder where he ever landed...

About 12 inches from the floor.

Rat faced, jaeger drunk Ant was my favorite phase!

Sam looks like he's black in this picture. He kind-of looks like an nonathletic version of Delonte West.

This truly was the golden age of O&A. The gang all together and/or alive :(

I wish I had caught on to Da Virus during it's heyday.

Just goes to show, we are terrible judges of what a hero is.

Ant looks sickly thin.


And there's Sam, worming his way into historic moments looking out of place as usual

damn i miss Patrice and what his perspective would be today. RIP

If Patrice ate a peanut butter granola bar Sam looks like the end result piece of shit.

Look at Patrices giant first baseman mit on Ants shoulder.

Half the O&A people in this photo are dead.

The fact that any of these guys were your heroes is a far sadder than any death among them or statutory rape any of them have committed

It's called having a sense of humor, brokflake

Steve C was one of your heroes?


No, he's a convicted rapist. I understood that he was the same age as the girl.