Artie Lange high on coke in the AA show

14  2017-09-11 by PsychoticPixel


When is Artie not high on coke?

Coke is a broken crutch for heroin and a bad night's sleep. God, I hate Monday. Can anyone help a brother out?

I've got some Adderall and kratom...

you guys gettin fawkin zooted over here?

No idea why I took this shit tonight. Just doing laundry and deep cleaning my condo instead of doing the work I need to be doing. Feeling very uncomfortable and not blinking enough.

fawk yeah brotherman I drank like 2 mike's hard lemonades, took a couple ibuprofen. I roll hard believe me

Much better decision.

Voss genuinely looks disappointed in them.

Vos can suck it this is good ray-dee-ohhhh

Dere but for da grashe of god go I.

The fake, over the top laughter reminds me of another show that featured our ample titted friend.

Artie is not high, this is an edited propaganda video.

Dude your flair is edgy as fuck

I new he was a hardcore dude with a bad 'tude when I saw his flair.

Watch out everyone this guy says what people don't want to hear


My shit is too meta for all you betacuckbitches.

Right because the best jokes are the ones only you get

Getting downvoted by a bunch of lemmings who don't get irony always cheers me up.

Disliking people that pat themselves on the back for not being a "lemming" makes me feel good stranger

Calling you a faggot nigger with aids makes me feel good too.

Oh shit there's that EDGE again watch out

How you like my downvotes bitch?

I'll be alright


Thanks nigger.


no thanks, i don't need any pasta sauce

Good one.

your flair is unoriginal

Oh snap, this snake has fangs

high on coke? why not high on pepsi? tss

Yea or like Sprite or whateva

why the fuck is chip so likeable and i want to punch oppie in the face for interrupting patrice

Artie's OD will be the biggest piece of publicity Ant has ever had...

Are you saying artie does drugs? Wow,that's a big accusation...

His nose is rotted out and he needs surgery to fix it.

It's gonna bleed whether he's using or not, until he fixes it.

His nose is as prolapsed as jimmy's rectum.

Scratching the face and grabbing the nose is opiate behavior. He's probably got a nice speedball cocktail going.

I can't even watch this shit.

His right nostril is barely there, another week and you'll be able to see his skeleton.

Anthony should really sell his cameras and just make the podcast audio only.

I love how the only buzz this addition of Artie has brought would be how long before hes on drugs and dead and If hes sober when is his nose falling off? Will he get a mask?

anyone saved video?

That's no coke. That's that horse.

I new he was a hardcore dude with a bad 'tude when I saw his flair.

My shit is too meta for all you betacuckbitches.

your flair is unoriginal