Bro Joe People's Court Preview

136  2017-09-10 by crookedmile


Bro Joe does look like a low rent skinhead nazi, doesn't he?

he has the stereotypical raised eyebrows look that every piece of trash gives when talking to someone they perceive as an authority figure

i think that muuug looks all bald n shiznit cuuuzz!!

I dunno, whenever I went to court with my friends they always insisted on a Skrewdriver shirt and DKNY blazer.


Joe prides himself on hating minorities, the "court case" is pretty much about that. But... he's appearing on a program that's mostly watched by minorities. The other segment on the show is even 2 old black women.

You don't think wearing a blazer over his t-shirt fooled everyone?


Question is, camo pants or camo shorts?

I hope camera catches Joes smelling his armpits walking up to talk

It's a Cumio thing.

I really hope the "controversial" line as a teaser is in reference to there being truth to the child spit rumors. This tyrannical turd needs to be flushed once and for all.....

I imagine they rule in his favor, right? He's been promoting the show like his next olive garden gig.

You'll just have to tune in and find out like the rest of us fans.

Yeah, he wins but Judge Milian goes all SJW on him.

probably, no one doubted he was right and had a contract, but that's not at all the point even though he seems to think it is.

read those comments mr.cumia

but because he got some pocket change on the verdict because his suit had technical merit, he considers it "win" even though he comes off looking like a piece of garbage.

I wonder how Bono feels about cover bands getting publicity like this... perhaps U2s management should be made aware...

Do you really think one of the biggest bands in the world is going to give a shit about 4 fat 60 year olds that play in library parking lots in front of 8 people?

America you need to explain some of this to me, a non US-citizen. Start with how court cases are broadcast on tv please.

small claims, always non criminal. basically filed cases on record are gone through by the production company and offer to settle this out of court for both parties and still pretend like its real court.

There are way too many different shows and each have different offers but if you lose the claim and are told to pay (up to 5k$) the show pays it on your behalf.

Good for someone so broke they get an allowance from their sibling and also good for the other party who knows you cant get blood from a stone.

It's not a real court. The two sides agree to let the "judge" act as an arbiter for some petty disagreement they have.

Yes, and the show covers whatever the judgement is.

She's a retired judge. She's only a "judge" for TV now. Technically she's only an arbiter, and an actress. Losers like Joe Cumia who want to be on TV audition their cases to appear these court shows, and if the producers decide there's enough entertainment value they will pay losers like Joe Cumia a fee to appear and will pay up to $5,000 to whomever is deemed the winner of the case.

Everyone that appears on the show gets money either way. That's what they don't tell you.

No, go read a book about it yourself.


Yea baby, now call me that when I'm about to cum.

The saddest part isnt even that he did this show to have them pay any potential settlement for him (and with his allowance from little brother thinning, is needed) it's that he probably thinks of this as exposure for his cover band career.

What's the over/under on him forcing a reference to him playing pretend as U2 or Hendrix?

Doubt it.

For the target audience of the People's Court, you would have to include a tutorial about what a Hendrix or U2 is.

I participate in an un-ironic stage show where I pretend for 2 hours, to be the black guitar player that played Woodstock in '69.

Unless it's that, I'm not interested.

you are trying to apply the use of logic and assuming BroJoe would have the ability to also do so.

If there's one thing bookers and club owners like, it's a cover band that causes very public problems.

The saddest part isnt even that he did this show to have them pay any potential settlement for him (and with his allowance from little brother thinning, is needed) it's that he probably thinks of this as exposure for his cover band career.

I'm 90% sure after this filmed he was bragging like crazy on Facebook about how he "showed that snowflake who's boss!". Fucking guy seriously thought he humiliated the guy and came off looking amazing.

Joe looks like a skin-headed Vince Russo

Who is more pathetic Bro Joe or Brothaman Opie?


No question, if I could guillotine one person from the O&A universe id pick Joe every time

At least Opie provides employment to people in Vietnam. Joe has contributed less to society than your average hood rat.

Cheap crack keeps the population down.

What do they fall and trip, breaking their necks or sumthin?

Joe, hands down. No contest.

Opie was terrible at his job, but he had one.

I wanna say Opie because he "worked" for a living, but then I immediately ask myself "DID HE?"

Since Joe does at least have some talent, while Opie has absolutely none, I guess I he Opester is more pathetic.

I would have to say Joe is more pathetic if O&A never existed. He'd be on wellfare with a drug problem and trying to bum ciggies/weed from Ant all the time.

Opie would have a run of a mill career, but terrible at his office job. All his coworkers would hate him but he'd think they were all his buddies. The office banned holiday parties because Opie took it too far one time after having 2 citrus IPA's.

No fucking way he would be in an office. He the dope in the shipping department that files an insurance claim because he was fucking around on a pallet jack and broke his ankle/wrist.

Have to say Joe is more pathetic. But Opie has caused more damage by infecting hours of would have been good radio with his awfulness.

Wtf is that actually real? I thought it was a bit

It's surprisingly easy to get on shows like these.

There's only so many people pathetic enough to air their dirty business in public on TV and willing to be berrated by a pretend Judge character

I'm the judge

Hmm, wasn't Joe's account of the taping that he walked in, got a clear victory, and maintained his dignity? Judging from the preview, they decided the juiciest 1.5 seconds was the judge calling his character "abysmal" on national, syndicated TV. Jesus, Joe. You're fucking retarded.

Let's not pretend Peoples Court is some big career destroying venue like 60 minutes. It's basically only watched by stay at home moms and stay at home minorities.

And Joe didn't have any big of dignity or career to begin with.

It is, by far and without a doubt, the biggest audience that'll ever see Joe.

Its watched by niggers.

and since those dont count as people..

Every time he books a gig from now on, some asshole from this sub will send clips from the show of him being berated for being a racist asshole & suing a venue owner for not wanting Antifa kicking in his windows.

Remember to mark those videos "private", so Bro Joe can't find them in advance.

He could be made to look like real trash, but still win, because they had a contract.

to think this was actually created by someone in this sub too. amazing times. someone should dig up his old post about getting this gig cancelled and suck his dick or something.

He may be a piece of shit that gathers children's saliva but you gotta admit, he looks pretty badass.

I hope you die.

Die kike

I'm actually shocked you thought I was serious. I'll just take the L as well as my own life though.

When is this airing?

The 14th I think.

Is this because of the gigs people cancelled during the Brother Joe vs. reddit thing?

This sub doesn't effect their lives.

Didn't this subreddit essentially make this trash magic happen?

We don't have any effect on their lives.

Yes, by your's truly

I remember some people trashing you for it too. I would like to personally thank you for your service.

its the one legit thing this sub can take full credit for.

Anyone with a drop of intelligence would be embarrassed to be on a show like that, especially considering its over "hate speech". This fucking absolute moron is proud he was on there.

Something tells me that Joe is not going to be portrayed as the badass hero of the people like he implied in his celebratory Facebook post a couple of months ago when they taped this shit.

The reality TV vultures probably edited it to make him look even more retarded than he already is. Can't wait to see this.

Do you think U2 will be brought up? Do you think they'll be happy about it?

Saliva Bloody Saliva is a good 2U song.

Tool-U dvv dvv

The comments might be referring to this sub

would be cool

Judge Milian nudes get my dick rock hard. She really kept it together for a middle-aged woman.


She's into pole-vaulting too. I like athletic girls.

Jeff Daniels has a nice pair.

I must see this. Don't let me down, youtube.

Joe cumia is human garbage.

OH MY GOD, what an absolute idiot. this is too prefect

This is my prefect.

This sub keeps on giving.

....and it's once again time for this gem.

If anyone is interested, I noticed a billboard by the Meadowlands today.. Apparently both of Joe's Guitar Hero groups are playing at the track in a month.. Oh no, whatever you do, don't bring this promo to the promoter's attention..

I wonder if Brother Joe also got his billboard for pennies on the dollar.

I should have read more closely... you said "don't" bring it to the promoter's attention. Crap.

Thankfully this sub has no effect on their lives.

You time stamped a 20 second video.

"Autistically above and beyond" should be our sub motto.

remember when you all slammed that guy who got this gig cancelled.

I think you all owe him a firm apology

What a dork

If you want to feel like an idiot, try to explain as I just did to my SO, who Joe Cumia is and why I am recording this People's Court episode.

I feel like an idiot trying to figure out what "SO" stands for.

Significant other

Of course... thanks, Osama!

And today I upped my game by explaining to my professional coworker what a "child shit enthusiast" was and why he was on People's Court. They think I've completely lost it now ...