Type 'Joe Matarese' in YouTube and the first video you get is this one, where he willingly reduces himself to a sob story on AGT about not being able to support his family

58  2017-09-10 by fingerofgawd


America's Got Talent? How about Comedians Got Adderall?

And what's the deal with Adderall? Couldn't they just Sumthemup? That's my time here folks, you've been great.

100% italian 

You know hoohoo saying he's really good just deals the deal on how awful he actually is too..

Deals the deal, huh?

Fake news.

Clever girl...

If only he had Joshua Taylor Thomas' dateline bit back then

His lack of shame at his failure is the most pathetic part.

"Please Howard I'm beggin ya. Twenny bucks' all I need"




How fucking delusional do you have to be to do something for twenty five years without any success and not realize that you are just not going to make it work. The market has spoken Joe and it says "fuck you".

This works for both Joe Matarese and Brother Joe. Nice combo.

In two of the most successful tribute bands in the COUNTRY, libtard

"Hey, what did God say when he made the..."

"Why were so many killed in vietnam?"

Me getting ass raped by a pack of 7 Mile Bloods is less gay than this.

Those guys are really mean and scary. There is no shame.

Well, it hasn't quite happened yet. I'll let you know sir.

Just remember, you are never to blame. Although I'm sure you'll just be begging for it.

It's not gay if he's reading a Playboy while they're fucking him.

I love that the show set him up for such a hard failure on his 2nd appearance, it was great.

He's been doing stand up for 25 years? You would think he might have learned something at this point

You can't fix stupid.

He's been a comedian for 25 years, and hasn't told a single joke. It's kind of impressive.

Oh my God is fucking awful

"No matter how bad a comedy gig goes..."

at least his kid bends correctly for wiping, unlike LouisCK making his kids face him & grab the back of his knees, while locked in the bathroom with him (all confirmed on O&A).

I hate them both

"I've toured all over the country, all over the world."

*Shows picture of Joe performing at the Stress Factory in NJ and the Comedy Cellar in NY. What are world traveler you are, Joe.

Wait. That is his "hot wife" that he's always bragging about? She looks like Karen Carpenter. Today.

*"hey being a stay at home dads harder than ya think, boy i tell ya that breast feeding, they should really tell ya thats for the mothers only!

Yeah im 50 I got 2 kids, I be like 'hey baby over there! whyont you shup up, capice!!!!' I swear to Mary my kid he says... 'whyont YOU shuddap... capice!!!!'

Hey I think youses guyes is playing hardball deliberately on the joe matarese come on!*"

Isn't his wife a doctor? Or did I imagine that?

Those commenters are fags

It would be great if after he was done, they tried to drag him off the stage with one of those big long hooks from the old days. Except instead of getting it around his neck, it missed and dragged him by the eye socket or ear canal instead.

"I don't want to go home and look my kids in the eye and say daddy didn't do well today, daddy lost."

Kids need a routine though Joe. You shouldn't all of a sudden switch things up and make it completely different from every other day.

he's not very good

I like how 25 year Pro Comedian Joe Matarese complains to the judges for being hard on him.

car crash

I'm so glad I've never heard this guy's voice.

You want to hate, watch this... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tT1H-3L86jo

"I've done every gig there is to do, but I can't support my family"

If only Pat Cooper was a judge, he's lecture him on having no dignity for two hours.

He is poor at comedy.

You can't fix stupid.