REMINDER: This is one of the girls Anthony was stalking on Vine before he knew we could see his likes and deleted it in a panic

174  2017-09-10 by fingerofgawd


Is it illegal to have braces after 18?

thats probably the real reason he deleted his likes

my boss has braces and i don't respect him

You should pin him down and fuck him in the mouth

After 18 you do Invisalign

I would like some proof, chink.

Columbo and Quincy would be proud of your investigative abilities

It was molestation, Sam! He fingered that flat-assed teenager!

He put it in her butt and then gave her a codine overdose!

your investigative abilities

You mean opies.

100 bucks this was just shit he was saving until it was all over.

Last bit of tits.

She's really grown up since I fingered her.


Yep. Don't know or care how old she is, objectively she looks like a child. He really is a fucking creep.

Listen, no worries, this is completely legal in the African Maghreb.

What does she look like, now? Maybe he saw her potential.

He started fucking that catshit crazy Missy girl when she got braces, and she's still fug after braces (and jail time).

I don't know who Missy is. I'm Missy-ing out on all this juicy gossip

Yes you do because you are /u/BengalFreddie who is Melissa "Missy" B.

Anthony did say he would go as low as 13 that one time.

This borders on virtue signaling, and I know it's not an unpopular opinion, but pedophiles really fill me with murderous fury. Anthony really should be killed.

Who touched you

Show us on this doll... slowly.

Will you show us on the doll where Uncle Paul touched you?


That's not virtue signalling.

If anything, the people who do make a point to virtue signal are more likely to actually defend paedophiles.

Hating pedophiles isn't virtue signalling. It's human nature to be revolted by it because we have an instinct to protect our young. Guys who fuck kids have a major wire crossed, and as far as I've seen there is NO CURE.

Also, don't trust those creeps who say they're pedophiles, but they don't act on it. They always do.

There is a cure, take 2 Tylenol every morning.

So why isn't every pedophile cured. Tylenol is like 8 bucks a bottle. Cheap kid diddling bastards.

And a good cup a' joe.


This is no cure. It is a genetic defect in the brain. Only one solution. Dump them on a remote island or terminate. gave two solutions

That's what he said publicly on the radio, I'm willing to bet the actual number is lower.

Is the stalker of a stalker a friend, or just another stalker?

Maybe he just appreciates huge, unnatural teeth?

If that were true him and Opie would still be together

That's why they had Vos around for so long

Thals not funny you alsshole

The only problem I have with this is she's ugly.

We see enough girls that look just like her getting dick rammed up their assholes for money to not care what Anthony does to her.

Needless to say, she's now a Gilgore girl instead of a Compound Media fan.

I actually asked Anthony about this on Twitter. Or idk if it was really a question. I pointed it out to him and told him to have some pride.

He dmed me asking what the fuck was I talking about. I explained his vine likes are public. He said it's no one's business. Blocked me and immediately deleted it all.

He's a true creep. Can't believe an angry dad hasn't beaten him to death yet.

Dad likely isn't in the picture with most of these girls.

I suppose that is probably at the top of his requirements for grooming checklist

Prey on the weak.

Dvv Dvv!

Dvv Dvv!

He's a true creep. Can't believe an angry dad hasn't beaten him to death yet.

Video linked by /u/dropngo:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Horrible Ending: Ernest Goes to Camp HorribleEndings 2011-06-10 0:02:47 107+ (89%) 51,029

$quote I believe in you Ernest, but there's some things you can't...

Info | /u/dropngo can delete | v2.0.0

ha wtf was the context to him getting beat up like that?

Or shot him.

I'd kill my daughter if I found out she slept with a nigger.

Maybe he just thought she was hilarious like Jenna Marbles.

If this is true, Ant should really be shot in his disgusting, pock marked face.

It's true, but she was much older than what it appeared in that picture. It's still creepy, but nothing more.

That guitar pick face tho.

Never knew ant liked jack white

She followed ant on Twitter too. There was contact between the two of them. Creepy old nigger.

Anthony is a fool, he could at least stalk someone hot if he's going to stalk an underage girl.

Ok, I gotta know, how old is the girl is the pic?


WOW she looks 12


That girl has teeth like a horse


Covered this and all of Ant's ghoulishness in this vid from a couple days ago:

weird news

You got enough tabs there, bud?

Let's just say there was a lot to get to. I realize my autism is showing.

Yeah i'm done with Ant at this point, fucking creep.

Chris Hansen should do a whole documentary on Ant.

My lord, what a monster. She looks like she's 10 years old -

LOL he's fifty six, he could get all worked up over a twenty year old and just be plain creepy but that kid is like eleven, not a seventeen year old who looks twenty-two. If that gets him turned on he's exactly as sick as everyone here says he is.

Screenshots of Anthony's catfish he believed was a 14-15 year old girl:

Anthony lying to this sub about the catfish. He was only trying to "help" "her":

Anthony's catfish telling his story:

Anthony and the 17 year old trying to lure the 14 year old to visit him in New York:

At least she doesn't have a cock like his more recent "likes".

Didn't he say before something about being attracted to certain 14 year olds? You do get 17 year olds who do look like they're in their mid-20s but this is full-blown pedophilia. She looks about 12

Nothin wrong with that

How old is she supposed to be?


I wish Simon Belmont was real, so that we could have someone put this pathetic ghoul out of his misery.

No wonder the FBI is investigating, what a creep...

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Ant's plan was to use heavy duty automotive body filler on his acne scars to pass for a young guy