Jim and sam is pretty good.

0  2017-09-09 by SonofSeaBass

Sam roberts gets shit on here, but I think he's good at what he does. Downvotes ensue.


You're incorrect.

I listen to clips on youtube sometimes. I don't care so much about ufc stuff, but some of the stuff still makes me laugh.


Aaahhhhppprrreeellll fffffaaaaallllssss

Downvotes will indeed ensue

Well that was ironic.

Why does everyone misuse the word irony?

I didn't specify who would get the downvotes

Oh okay, you meant yourself, of course.

He's better than Carl Ruiz

It's the best of what we got, but it ain't the good ol' days.
AA could easily come close but Kieth the Cuck is putting a stop to that.

Neither will b o and a. O and a was epic, but when they didnt have killer guests like patrice or louie, it was more average than people on here admit.

They are aight. The show is trash when actors are on (with no other comics.) J&S regress to the mean of shite personalities in the room.

God do i hate their actor guests. Listening to that douche from scrubs act like hes marlon brando was infuriating and boring. Actors r so narcissistic that they think we r all interested in their shitty musings.

I'd say 90% of entertainers in general are self absorbed faggots.

Some of the older actors have been decent on the show, but I get what you're saying.

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that you're being disingenuous about this.

Im not. I like using simple language, so people think it's sarcastic. But, I LIKE THAT FUCKIN SHOW! it makes me chuckle.


I like the show. Fight me you peckahs!

Guilty we're all guilty

sir, well I respect your opinion, I couldn't disagree more.

Sam is not a standalone fruit

I can't tell if this is for real. Sam sucks my dick

I have to thank them. Thanks to the vapid nothingness of the first hour every day I discovered Sid Rosenberg is back on Imus. Love Sid and Bernie

Sam is good, but not with Jimmy.

Sam isn't a bad Opie, but as much as I love Jimmy, he's chilled out in recent years and is only at his best when one of his buds like Vos or Bobby are in. Any other day he comes in tired and makes Sam rely on Trav-Dog and his own shitty humour to fill in the gaps. Not saying Jim is bad, but he's done more inspired work with his closer friends. Sam just needs a solo show, and Jim needs to be with Ant. Either that or throw all three on one show. Jim and Sam's chemistry just hasn't improved.

So this is an unironic post?

I was about to start a thread yesterday about how bad the show is. It's really listenable to. They have horrendous chemistry. Jim will say some reference from the 70's, Sam won't get it. Then Sam will say some modern reference, Jim won't get it. Then they will have an uninformed discussion about something in the news. Then a boring interview with some C list celebrity. Then occasionally have a good comedian guest in for like 1 hour. It's so bad. Also, it seem as though they both know it sucks. Or at least Jim does. And he's not even trying that hard.

Wrong. Many funny stories and insights. Jimmy's life is interesting in itself.

You forgot the random caps

You should feel ashamed of yourself.

Sam is a childish dolt, Jim is a third mic at best. How entertainment starved are you?

At best? He is the greatest 3rd Mic...so quick and funny