
39  2017-09-09 by Whydontulovemelynsi


What is it about being fired from Sirius that drains the life out of everyone?

The induced mania from the lack of a consistent paycheck.

You don't think that bringing your faves 20-year-old sippy cup to a restaurant is the mark of a healthy, sane gentleman?

Arby's isn't really a restaurant.

A fan gave it to him during his most recent pop-up video.

Is that a fucking henna tattoo?

Just go die alone.

Nothing like a man well into middle age getting a henna tattoo like a freshman bitch in college. Is he going to get a nose piercing and let an older, edgy lesbian eat his pussy, too?

It's a photoshop.

Sorry, but your theory of it being fake does not line up with my theory of everything posted here being true.

He can still go fuck himself.

Isn't it funny how so many old lesbian are predatory creeps? It's like they're over compensating for their lack of dicks by being caricatures of middle-aged letharios.

Oh my god it is. Please dont be a photoshop

It's actually just the natural semblance of his freckles.

Is this real? That niggas bald as fuck.

HAHAHA Holy fuck!

Opie got a henna tattoo!?

Just go off youself Opie! For the love of Christ.

it's photoshopped you gullible boob

Why would someone even think of putting a henna tattoo on him?

exactly. this guy gets it

Taking photos in sunglasses, in the dark, or having something concealing his face

Baldopie ladies and germs

Why are his clothes always rumpled? He's a multi-millionaire with a housewife - doesn't she at least send his clothes to the cleaners?

Drinking a cup of Bam's Cum!

Why would someone even think of putting a henna tattoo on him?