Reminder - Joe Rogan got very triggered when Brian Redban bragged about doing well at a comedy club

29  2017-09-09 by NemoNobody_2092


Who cares both their stand up sucks.

Kind of the point, guy.

This is from four years ago you dickhole.

Did you not see the word 'reminder' in the title?


You thought you were being clever. Pretty embarrassing for you. U okay bro?

U okay bro?

No, I'm not.

Good I'm glad

Redban said on the latest JRE that he is about to start doing 'the road' on his own now.. who da fook is going to see Brain redban without joe Rogan there?

You really think he's changed that much in four years? I just saw him in Vancouver. I got the report card man.


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You didn't let me finish.

I was gonna say Sunday was rough for everyone, not just you

Redban really fucked up a good thing. 25 Minutes of Murder: The Patton Oswalt Story.

REMINDER: All comedians are mentally unstable and sad on the inside.

It's so bizarre because Joe's stand up is horrendous as well. He's a great MMA commentator and he has a good podcast but his stand up is really poor.

is it because when it does stand up he only tops around 5' ?

I had a killer 3 words in there, maybe I should have chopped it down a bit.

I literally can't understand what your saying

rogan is a midget


Should've just said that in the first place

for what it was worth i was trying to mock joe with his line about how he has an hour but its really 25 strong minutes.

It's worth nothing because he doesn't have a strong 25 minutes. There are only like six decent stand ups in the entire world anyway.

i have to disagree. his commentary is mediocre. some of his favorite fighters he hypes to ridiculous levels. he also does a shitty job of providing insights into the flow of the fights. he's not bad at describing the techniques being used but the people i watch fights with tend to hate his commentary across the board

dont know who 2 of them are but i hate them



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ITT: people who only watch 1 hour comedy specials on Netflix and never go down to their local comedy joint to see actual cringe ass comedy.

ITT: guy is condescending.

Closest comedy club for me is an hour away. I'm not driving that to watch 4 kids embarrass themselves for 20 minutes and then have to drive back drunk.

Redban is a fucking retard, he has the mindset of a 13 year old.


I think Joe has a lot of faults and can be very 'alpha' at times but this was him calling Redban on this exact shit. Joe can let a lot slide but he doesn't suffer fools well which is why Brian works much better as a 3/4x a year guest, not the producer.

Crazy what a massive ego average comedian Joe Rogan has developed due to getting rich off of hosting Fear Factor.

redban is so fucking hateable, that retarded argument he had with burr told me all i needed to know about him. hes a fucking child that cant admit when hes wrong, hes also horrifyingly unfunny. i wish the most aggressive forms of cancer upon him.

This is really an argument about an open mic comic claiming he writes 2 hours of new material every year.

Brian Redban is a retard and the only reason he can pretend to be is a comedian is because of stupid "secret shows" that assemble mediocre California comics with overlapping podcast audiences.

This is the moment that Rogan realised Brian has the same amount of talent he does.

redban fucked up when he got in a fight with burr, although burr is funny i think bill is actaully the asswhole in the situation. if you ever listen to burr he loves comics and people with names and careers but he always disregards people who are just there. know this eventually led to joe hating redband because of resentment from other comics not liking him. then the straw that broke the camels back was that his podcast started getting million of views. once it got huge joes wife started meddling. you can tell he cut down on the cussing and overall man talk that used to happen. joes daughters was the final marker. redban would still talk abought taking dick pills and fucking girls in the asshwole. this pissed joe off, his wife eventually got him to bluepill the podcast due to its massive popularity, it became somthing women like. joe cut redban because joe wanted to have smart guest withought redband saying anyting childish thus killing the original show


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