Opie shoots on why Erock got fired...you make the call...

19  2017-09-09 by Every1ShouldBKilled


It's always personal to Ope.

Everything always comes back to "I helped X out in the past"

He came from his mother's cootah.

"why they fire e rock for"

That guy wrote it so Opie could understand

He "shoots"? What is this a wrestling thing now?

No it's a black guy thing.

I don't know where the recent influx of using carney and wrestling terms on here originated, but it's one of the better recent developments during this dark post-Erock era

is that a rib?

I don't know, but all this speculation is nothing but rumor and innuendo.

that Nagel kid is so over right now.

Hard to believe that just 2 years ago, jobbing to the Opester every week looked like the unquestionable low point of Erock's career, but look at him now. He proved us all wrong.

He's gonna get spurred by those wikkin cowboy boots

A Jew forgetting where he came from. I think not.

I'm hope Opie's next potential employer takes note of this behavior and decides to pass on the broadcasting talents of Gregg "Opie" Hughes

Well as I heard it, ol Hoagie King got him a comfy severance.

Did The Psycho get a nice severance?

Don Wicklin walks into a room, throws his hands up while going "wikawikawikiwikwikWICKLIN, wikawikawikawikWICKLIN." Drops his hands, "Erik, love ya, but we are gunna have to let you go. Throws his hands and screams "wikawikawikiwiWICKLIN!" as he leaves the room.

No it's a black guy thing.