What ever happened with Gavin?

4  2017-09-09 by FlashVirus

He said he had big things on the horizon and I haven't heard shit yet. Did he pull an Opie?


Tsss he gav-in the towel

fawwwkin A. Let's go to break now we're not gonna get a better one den dat.

I fockin already new it waz a good joke sockcuca


Apparently Steven Crowder pays more than Anthony Cumia. Like a lot more.

doesn't his shekel chasing just expose his proud boys and his ilk as shekel chasers?

You think they possess enough critical thinking to get that?

Proud boys are terminally retarded.

Afaik, it's not Crowder himself who's hired him but some (((billionaires))) who want to reinvent right wing media because it's run like shit and needs a new dominant force. They'll hire both Crowder and Gavin. They should start some time next week.

It'll of course be a very pro gay and pro Israel kind of right wing network. Can't go TOO crazy these days, right laddies?

Whatever it is, obviously comedy will have no place in it.

He and Crowder may be joining the Steve Bannon network.

He made so much money from the Anthony Cumia Network & Rebel Media that he is now investing all those earnings in order to buy Vice Media.

He said he's starting the new gig in mid-September. Seems likely that he'll be a part of the new Steve Bannon venture, whatever that may be.

He says he's going mainstream, so that probably means his show won't be funny anymore. Sucks. I could give a fuck about his retarded politics.

It was funny before?

Yup. He spent way too much time talking to literal retards about protests and the like, but the show was legitimately funny when it was just him fucking around or commenting on videos.

Everytime I see "Steve Bannon", I think of Johnny Quest.

Did you check the gay bars,he's recruiting.

Hopefully getting ready to drop the toaster into the water.