More lies from the Opster about the WFAN vacancies

25  2017-09-09 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


There is no goddamned way WFAN is going to even talk to this retard. He knows nothing about sports and was fired from his last job for filming a co-worker shitting without consent.

So, the Mets did a thing yesterday in the ninth period - eh?

was fired from his last job for filming a co-worker shitting without consent.

This sentence always makes me laugh.

"Excuse me friend, may I film you while you're defecating?"

Erock would do better job with his Lego,Simpsons,Consumer talk


I talked to NASA about being an astronaut, but wasn't sure about the fit. No official offer at this time.

He doesn't even have onefan.

I talked to myself today about being the POTUS, but decided that maybe right now is not the best fit.

By "we" he means him and himself when he talks into a mirror.

This probably isn't an actual lie. He probably reached out to them trying to get the job, and they politely told him that he was a hamburger and they are looking for pizza. No "official" offers yet. Or any offers.

He probably actually got past that to maybe a phone screener or a 1st round interview. He's famous enough in radio to actually get his foot in the door- it would be when they actually talked to him that they would realize that he knows literally nothing about sports.

"Fired? No, you call them back Gregg!"

At least he's got that sweet, nonexistent Cali gig to fall back on.

Good morning, it's 132 degrees at 7:30 am in downtown Baker California. home of the world's biggest thermometer. ,and now biggest douche in raqio.Opie

Local classic rock station here in Helena just shit canned the morning show. Maybe I should direct them his way.

He ain't lyin he called into one of the shows and wasn't put through by the call screener BOOM they talked

Stick a knife with a bone handle into your chest.You are done.

He better get used to those three words "no official offer".

Do you guys think his "I'm a fan of every team in the AFC East" would go over well with sports fans?

Hahaha that's what the do right? The offer the job to someone and ask them to learn about sports before they talk about it all day.

"Let me tell you about my FOUR favorite NFL teams..."