How old is she ?

19  2017-09-08 by Moveinslience



A lot younger than Ben Franklin ... you're point?

Lemme axe you somethin. You gonna tell me that girl looks fourteen? I'm axing you man to man.

Lemme axe you somethin. You ever bone your grandma to death? Talk about going about with a bang!

Is that his meth budget?

Posing with money... He really is a nigger.

Stack of money...check.
Ugly white girl...check. Theory looks good.

Stack of money...check.
Ugly white girl...check. Theory looks good.

Stack of money...check.
Ugly white girl...check. Theory looks good.

Sold and smoked crack

Used to steal from neighbors regularly

Was arrested for beating a white woman

Had Afro for years

Drives a Escalade

Purchased slot cars instead of paying rent.

Finally got credit card maxxed it out on a 10k jet ski

Black guy stache

took out a 10k mortgage just for this picture

A certain type of rich...

Selfies with his bitches, guns, and money.

Thats his 10k mortgage he bought a ISIS bride

Almost old enough for braces.

Skin looks a little smoother when lying down.

Gravity is pulling his face down as well as the pock marked cheeks when he's in that position

Extra niggery photo

That's Stetten. He is banging Cat Shit Fever @nowmiss from Now News. She doesn't know about his sexting with Flutsie

Does he think he looks more debonair with his John Waters villain mustache?

Fuck you, bunch of haters!! wish it was was you in that bed holding that stack of bills. God bless you Ant, I live through you, my friend...

Fawk yea!

Jesus Christ, she is disturbingly young.

Old photo. Those are Confederate bills

Looks like she has a touch of fetal alcohol syndrome

Not only is she super young, she's fucking ugly to boot.

Skank fifteen.

She looks horrible, even for a junkie

does she have a black eye guys? I think she has a black eye.

I think she's using her bottom lip to cover up her braces.


How old is she ?

too old

Whisky tango. Bleh

Where is this pic from?

Stack of cash and a 4 in your bed

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that neither of them would fall under the definition of 'traditionally attractive'

fuck patrice would slap the shit out of ant for this pic

Fawk yea!