This site is just a bunch of faggot holes

33  2017-09-08 by Single_Action_Army


You shouldn't say rude things about people, it's unbecoming.

"You say rude shit to people, man."

Don't be mad cause you got downvoted bruh, it's not that serious

Hey Joe , how have you been ? What has ant's money bought you this month ? What are you going to do when the allowance stops ? I can get you right in at Panera just say the word buddy and your in !!!

found the kike

Suck my balls how about that

"Hey nowwww, c'monnnn, guys...."

Every word in all of those posts should be read in the Jim Norton "Sprout" voice.

I'll always have your back on Jew hate OP

Thanks, weeb cuck

Top kek you called me le cuck. Good one fellow pede

David my David

"Ah, little less funny now. Knowing that."

I hope someone kills that person.

I hope that person is Thomas_Daly

Jews are being oppressed every single day and you have the nerve to make that joke?? I think I'm signing off the sub early today for the first time...

Agreed. I can't think of a more under-represented, under-powered, uncohesive and less privileged group than the Jews. Yup, what the Jews need is even more power.

They're a poor, disenfranchised and unprivileged minority.

You post on this sub too much.

May I suggest the helium exit bag? It's painless, perfect for a coward like yourself.

Stay in touch.

Hey! We have feelings you know...

Thaths ignorant...justh ignorant

They are queefy over sensitive femmy little fat pig fuck shit head cunts.

"Epic maymays"...

That guy is for sure killing himself in a few years

In a few years?? Kinda big expectations you habe there

Pretty ignorant tbh

The worst part about Reddit is that they think they're any different than those faggots on Tumblr or Jezebel or what have you.

Well it gave me a chuckle

u/joquanOnSmite you're a fucking piece of shit.

u/Pm_Me_Your_Tax_Plan you're a fucking piece of shit.


Oh vey.

You expecting them to enjoy jokes on a sub called "jokes" would be like them coming here assuming we like Opie and Anthony.

You've got to cross off other Reddit usernames if you're going to post something like this. It's the law.

Fudge the rules, I do what I want DVV DVV