11  2017-09-08 by Suibu


I identify as a hairy woman with a penis.

Checkmate, Swedish feminists. Now come get this dick.

I'm actually a transgender lesbian, sure the doctors told my parents I was a male at birth, but I know better.

Refusing to fuck me is rape because it hurts my feelings

That "doctor" should be stripped of his license to practice medicine. Clearly he did not pay attention in medical school as he doesn't even know the basic fact that some women have penises.

Heard of this doctor before his name is Steve

When the jews running it take huge loss of shekels on this the next year event will be called Rapefest

So Lilith Fair?

Those "Swedish" men should really learn to behave themselves tbh

Yeah I'm sure it's the Sweedish men and not the shitskin refugees.

Just prevent Muzzie men from entering, they were the only culprits last year.

If i was a female going to this i would be deeply concerned about the line up.

If I were performing there I'd be worried about who was going to drive me to the site.