Do you think Sam is resentful of the fact that Erock is loved by the old O&A fanbase, meanwhile he doesn't have a fanbase at all?

102  2017-09-08 by disawayisthrows

I don't think he likes it very much, not at all.


I doubt he has the self awareness to even have that resentment in the first place. Today he said 'I'm not interested in doing the old show. This is new what we're doing.' As if anything that he could do would ever compare to the old show.

He doesn't realize that at one point cancer is new to a body. It doesn't make it good.

I don't know. That meet and greet was a wake-up call I think. He was a bitter boy in studio next day.

Did it not go well?

From what the sub posted, like ten mongoloids showed up who only knew him from WWE. You should try to find the picture, it's "unfuckable" personified like ten times over.

Theres really nothing new about what they're doing, a million other people are doing the same thing.

And it's exactly the same as his old solo show, just with one person who can't get a word in amongst his babbling instead of two

Sam is a spoiled little boy living in his own head. He thinks he can just lazily go through life without putting in any effort because his mommy told him he was super special. He doesn't seem to understand that after J&S ends, that's literally it for him. All he has going for him is a shitty morning show he doesn't even try to make good, and WWE.

I'm going to truly enjoy seeing his life slowly unravel

Super special? Tsss tsss I'll have the soup you cocksuckah.

He doesn't seem to understand that after J&S ends, that's literally it for him.

When he started talking about his new house and mentioning his mortgage, I could hear fear in his voice.

If he had any delusions about that, I think that 6 figure number brought him down to earth.

meanwhile he (Sam) doesn't have a fanbase at all?

Neither did Erock. He's beloved becaue he's an innocent idiot, but noone actually listened to his show and at least Sam is somewhat acceptable on the radio.

It's not an injustice that Sam did well and Erock didn't.

Erock is not beloved. In fact he's a giant fucking man-baby like Sam.

Gianter even.

Somewhat acceptable. Did well. Wrong on both counts. Opie Roberts is shit on the radio, television, and planet.

He has his wrestling fanboy fans who suck his dick on Instagram, that's good enough for him.

Erock ruules & Sam's a fool.

I honestly just hope they fire Sam. Whatever they're paying him for that awful show is too much

Erock was a fat faggot whipping boy who's only contributions were to be humiliated and shit on. He even let the one person who is more grotesque than him make fun of him, Roland. What was his show even about? Action figures? The fuck would listen to that shit.

Sam on the other hand sucks shit right now but at least he was a funny little weasel Jew who started shit and was entertaining in the past. His after show was even better than the regular show which is why tits neutered it and got it cancelled. Sam sucks but has done WAAAAY more than Erock.

Lmao he used to

Sam's the best, and Erock is not the best. Just sayin'.

Now you gotta tell him to hit the bricks and keep steppin!

Lol you should change your handle to notsam_notrye

Trying to watch the J&S show with Florentine is impossible with Sam constantly interrupting with his nonsense. He's a scruffy haired Opie...

wtf shut up old man

We are not Sam's audience. Sam's audience is WWE fanboys and O&A fans with no discernible sense of humor.

The WWE fans were shitting on him hard the last time tho

I don't see why WWE fanboys wouldn't enjoy OnA style humor.

It's ironic, considering that Erock HATES the O&A fanbase.

Sam is a company man, conditioned to be emotionless by the pit of misery that was the O&A universe. He hasn't had a care since he brought Mother's box of hair clippings in the studio. His only real care is the WWE figurine collection that baby Edgar will inherit someday.

"His only real care is the WWE figurine collection that baby Edgar will inherit someday"

Yes, hopefully tomorrow.

Erock and Jim would stink as much as Sam and Jim. I hope somehow Ant and Jim end up with a show (somewhere) and Sam gets fired.

In a just universe Erock would've been promoted to a cushy exec gig and firing Sam was his first move.

Sam is a bad person and a racist

As sickening as it is, he does have a small amount of 'fans'. Even Opie had some of those.But would does that really mean anyway? Serial killers have 'fans' too.

Hopefully the Sirius XM reviews don't stop short of piggy boy and they actually bother to listen to the mediocrity that is Sam on Jim and Sam. He fucking stinks and you don't need to have worked in radio for 20 years to know that.

I resent the fact you think we love erock

Do you think Sam knows his show will also be cancelled soon and he'll have to get a regular job finally?

I mean, the guy sold out his event, full of paying people...But yes we liked Erock and I don't think Sam's jealous.

I'm sure that Jane Goodall is a fan. She has an affinity for apes.

From what the sub posted, like ten mongoloids showed up who only knew him from WWE. You should try to find the picture, it's "unfuckable" personified like ten times over.