Sam "fuck boy" Roberts shits on e-rock?!

26  2017-09-08 by Littlebigjohn1

Sams attitude of entitlement is insane. When Jim said how e-rock is not replaceable and then Sam says "Sirius didn't think so" makes me want to shoot him. That little half negro fuck literally thinks he is gods gift. Disgusting.


fuck erock. he was a douchie cunt

Compared to Sam? Compared to Sam e-rock is golden.

i think sam was just going for a joke.

you must be confused because sam is so bad at joking.

Part of it is his voice. When he tries busting balls he just sounds like a petulant teenager.

No, he sounds like a nagging girlfriend trying to be cute but just coming off like a clueless whimpy try hard.

I thought it wasn’t a bad one

I'm sure Sam was just making a joke that just so happened to be at the expense of the dude he obviously despised.

Eh, I don't think that was a slam at Erock. He always highlights how Sirius fucks all of them and doesn't give a fuck about any of them. So yeah, Sirius doesn't think anyone except Howard Stern and their executives are irreplaceable.

I was reflecting on the differences between Erock and Sam. In a normal group of people, Erock would have the most disgusting eating habits. He would eat a 64 oz steak and ask for seconds. And then die of heart disease.

That's pretty bad. But the really outrageous thing is that Erock is normal and healthy compared to Sam. Think about how sick and sad that is.

Sam's eating habits make me so angry, my hands shake when I think about him refusing steak from Guy Fieri. I'm not joking when I say that.

Your life must be fucking horrible if the eating habits of a man you've never met make you shake with anger

That's what his biological parents said,when they dropped him off at the church steps.

Erock is a fucking legend Sam is a shit stain chicken finger fuckhead....

I dunno, that's a pretty funny line...

Sam's only value to society is as one of evolution's missing links.

I hate Sam (his over pontificating WWE shit being his most cancerous stuff), but didn't E-Rock try fucking him over earlier this year when Opie was still have his cold war with Jimmy?

Somehow the show will be cancelled and Sam will end up with his own show and get paid more. This dude has a limitless amount of luck. Luckiest person in radio history.

Sam's luck will run out soon. He's gone as far as he can. The only reason he's still on the air is the slow implosion from Ant getting fired and Sirius not caring enough about the channel to make big changes. The only reason he has a gig right now is Norton. Once that's gone, his career is over. He can't start over as an intern and suck the taint of the boss at his age. And, WWE will let him go, once there's no Sirius connection, and on demand appearances for Vince's AT BEST, he could probably go back to Rochester and work for peanuts for Weez. Seriously, who's gonna hire him? His voice annoys half the people easily, his personality is shit, he has no interesting opinions, and he looks like a mongoloid.

Hubris is a bitch, and she's gonna take a massive bite out of Sam's arrogant little ass. Just watch.

Sam is the prequel to Opie

Yeah Sam came off like a dick when talking about Erock. I think the main reason is E-Rock had an pretty crazy salary, and made way more than Sam. My guess is that Sirius wanted him to take a major pay cut, and Erock wasn't having it.

What was erock getting paid? i didn't catch that part.

Well back when Opie and Anthony were still around they talked about how much Erock got paid. It was something like triple what Sam made. I'm guessing Erock was pulling 100-120k a year.

Sam got cucked by a local moving company who stole his electronics.

His wife made him tip three guys $100 a piece for their "excellent service."

So even though Erock got fired, at least he doesn't have to look in the mirror and see that sad, cucked sideshow bob reflection staring back at him every day for the rest of his life.

He needs to be slapped across the face to death

In his defense, what he said is 100% true. If Sirius thought he was irreplaceable they wouldn't have replaced him