Erock is the one who introduced Denny to the O&A show when he invited him in for shot on "Tequila and Donut day" (33m50s)

133  2017-09-08 by dmix


This had to be my favorite show of the later Opie and Anthony years.

I'll never forget you, erock, you big pudgy down syndrome havin fuck.

Why don't you come back here and shut up ...

It was great because all the small side characters got a little time to shine. Chris Stanley walked in and broke the drinking record in 5 minutes.

Did this happen during the tequila and donut show?

Yup, the centaur never passes free drinks

  • Chriss Tanley

*Peppy Hamburger

All the hatred aside for a few seconds....c'man, O&A was awesome.

Nostalgia, right guys? Shut up, stupid.

That's mean spirited and uncalled for

You're right on one count and wrong on the other. You figure it out, fella.

You loved the show so much, you use one of it's much uttered phrases.

Clearly everyone here loved the show. We don't have to reminisce like we have some sort of perspective now. It's almost nauseating.

Christ fella'....I was only saying how great it's ok to miss it now and again

I'm dead inside

That's what alcoholism is for

It was a great show. It was also the day the second fattest man in the room (Erock, after Roland "the Opie slayer" Campos) introduced the man with the fattest cock in the whole, wide world - Dennis "2 Coke cans welded together" Falcone.

Well then I retract my statement and go fuck myself.

listening to this; Opie was rightfully threatened by our lord & saviour Falcone

Has Dennis ever acknowledged this sub's existence?

Has Sirius ever acknowledged Denny? I have a feeling they fired him long ago,but a glitch keeps sending him a paycheck and he just shows up. He seems like the type of guy that can fly very under the radar...