Immerse yourself in the one, the only, Joseph Matarese as he chats with Marc Maron for an hour and a half

0  2017-09-08 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I'd rather put the barrel of an uzi in my mouth.

He opens with a story about a show he performed that was so shitty that a fan emailed him afterwards to ask him if he was OK and to tell him that he needs to up his meds. What a fucking idiot.

I want him to up his med until he stops breathing.

Solid advice.

Battle of the Neurosis

Quite the drop off after having Obama on.

In the recap episode of the Obama interview Maron jokes that he's going to interview Rich Vos for the next episode.

That's hilarious

I can't believe Maron had him on.

I was surprised, too. That's why I posted it. He's been in comedy 35 years, has accomplished nothing, has virtually zero credits on IMDB, has nothing to promote, and he's a self-centered bore with no interesting opinions.

why ? they seem as perfect fits for each other.

I don't find Maron funny but whatever you think of him, he's created an extremely popular podcast. Matarese is essentially a no name.

Maron has good interviews, but after the election he is pretty much unlistenable. I'm also sick and tired of the neurotic jew-act.

I can't for the love of me think of a combination of something more boring than a neurotic jew who can't stop talking about how bad Trump is for 3 hours and another jew who thinks he's Tony Soprano hot shit, and still needs lunch money from his doctor-wife.

I was surprised, too. That's why I posted it. He's been in comedy 35 years, has accomplished nothing, has virtually zero credits on IMDB, has nothing to promote, and he's a self-centered bore with no interesting opinions.

why ? they seem as perfect fits for each other.