Reminder: Big Jay Oakerson spent two entire shows trying to nitpick these two and the way they looked. Word for word, 'she's never going to share nudes with me, so I don't see why she should be living. She's dead to me'

2  2017-09-08 by disawayisthrows


Big Jay should be the Pope of all neckbeards.

Then he went and got highlights just like him.

He literally said the guy is "beautiful" and the girl is "insanely hot." He made fun of their vapid, grating conversations and general stupidity. Do you even listen to the show?

Right?! This guy is a huge faggggoottt!

Whatever it's a funny bit. Bonfire is a solid show as much as we hate everything here.

Big Jay is the Joe Matarese of comedy.


low blow dude,low blow,even for this sub.

It's worse than if you call a black man nigger.

I cum harder if they're dead in the nudes, anyway.

You're a faggot