If you enjoyed "Fixing Joe" with Joe Materese, you will enjoy his new podcast even more

38  2017-09-07 by Violet_Undertone


What makes this guy think his "prescription drugs" shit is edgy or in any way entertaining? Does he not realize that people just look at him as a man child?

I know. It is really played out. But he is really mad that Ant didn't pick him as his new co-host, which is slightly more entertaining.

Adderall leads to extreme paranoia.

People don't look at him as anything. They don't even know he exists. I wish you guys would quit reminding me

At least it's funny to know he'll be one of the parents having his kids on fucking amphetamines at age 5.

I mean, it's a decent enough name but I think 100% embarrassing, talentless failure who people in his life tolerate out of pity and who no one actually likes or respects, especially his family has more of a ring to it.

Fuck you for posting this Dogshit show here you runny pile of Nigger shit

I honestly believed first that this was actually his new project. He's that bad.

It's not?

I can't tell either...

heckler hack kids/wife hack psychMeds hack Italian hack

This guy is a disgrace to Italians. They're already embarrassing enough, they don't need this talentless dullard sullying their long and proud history.

Motherfucker loves to hold those Advil bottles

"Look at me, I'm so neurotic!"

Fuck Italians and fuck Joe Matarese

You bettah mind your mannahs, capische!?

That's the Brian on the Brink guy.

No it's not.

Linger longer faggot

He sure loves that picture.

Video linked by /u/turdthief2:

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"Joe Matarese" on the Josh Robert Thompson Show - SNN special report! SNN 2017-09-05 0:14:22 43+ (63%) 1,252

$quote Done by our Reporter in the field Porsalin. Josh had a...

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I have no idea who is completely lost and who is playing along with the bit in these comments. My head is fucking killing me.

That's the biiitt.

Maybe you ought to get some medication for that

I don't even know what the fuck you guys make up and edit together and what is actually the content some of these "comedian" dunder heads put out anymore.

this sub makes about as much sense as 3 hits of LSD

Three hits of LSD makes perfect sense, what's confusing about there being three hits of acid?

"Show's going great Op!“

Fucking yuck at the Italian flag and stupid 100% Italian line. Ugghh.