Sam Roberts once went to a high-end steakhouse with Jimmy and ordered a cheese pizza

89  2017-09-07 by Single_Action_Army

What do you think all the adults were thinking when they looked at him? Beyond the usual initial reactions of disgust.


the socially unaware moron probably bragged about how his cheese pizza was so much better than their steaks and icky vegetables

Reveling in the irony. That vapid twat

I believe Morton ordered almonds

He fawkin' got all the monds and shit fawk yeah

I don't know why anyone would go to a grown up restaurant with that infant.

Is there audio of this? How disgusting

"Mr. Roberts…your very own…cheese pizza."

If only his adventure ended like Kevin McAllister's should a brutal rape and prolonged murder.

So the filming of Home Alone rather than the actual film.


"The lady will have the poached Sea Bass, the wild mushroom risotto and a side order of steamed asparagus in a lemon butter jus. A bottle of the 2008 Sancerre to accompany it, please."

"And for Sir?"

"Chicken dinosaurs, smiley-face fries and a Mountain Dew, please."

"Get out."

Chicken dinosaurs

They're the best

How fucked is that. Just grinding up animals en masse and shaping their meat into their predatorial ancestors from millions of years ago. It's like killing a Jap businessman and taxidermying him into a samurai​.

Jamie pull that shit up.

And ketchup. Lots of ketchup.

He's not twelve.

That's debatable

HAHAHA You just know he really wishes he could order that wherever he goes.

Sancerre - MY DUDE

I hope the kitchen got the Mexican dishwasher to jack off on it

Where do you think Jess got the sperm to fertilize her eggs?

What high end steakhouse would have a cheese pizza on the menu? Jimmy's idea of fancy is Ruth's Chris.

Ruth's Chris is lit, shitdick

Good for you if that does it for you, but it's no ones idea of a high-end steakhouse.

It's pretty much everyone's idea, fag

I like DelFriscos.

If you're a rube who's only eaten at Outback I suppose.

It's a middle class chain, nowhere near high end.

Ruth's Chris in Michigan was offering discounts if Harbaugh won. Could you imagine Peter Luger's offering free bacon slices if one of the Mets hit a home run? It's the Chrysler 300MG of steakhouses.

Dude... fucking nailed it.

Kids menu possibly, but yeah you're right.

I'm sure Jimmy tweeted about the sccccccumbags at that steakhouse when they didn't over cook his steak enough.

Scumbags tried to give him sparkling water in a glass that once had an alcoholic beverage in it.

"Who the fuck orders a steak medium rare? I wanted mine well done and the fucking scumbag chef had the nerve to say that wasn't recommended."

He's just an irreedemible fucking failure. Always coming up short.

No high end steakhouse has a cheese pizza on the menu

Sure they would. A margarita flatbread with none of the "icky" stuff on it, just cheese.

Kids menu

The Sizzler is high end for baby boys.

Why would they put it on the menu if they didn't want people eating it you dumb faggot?

They probably put it on the menu for children while the adults ate real food.

His son is already more of a man than he is.

and also has seen Jess's puss more.

"Why is the help eating in the dining room?"

Sam: I will be dinning at the finest establishment in all of westchester this eve. A very fancy place where people use their middle initials.

::::::pulls up in Tonka power wheels::::::

Chuck E. Cheese: Greetings sir, your usual seat?

I could honestly forgive Sam for just about all of his transgressions, but the fact that he hates and physically gags when eating steak is just something I can never accept. He should be dragged into the street and killed.

If it's on the menu they probably didn't give a fuck as long as he tipped

There no such thing as a high end steak house

Cheese pizza? Suuuuuure.....

Don't worry, Sam's nutritionaless diet is a precurser to horrific cancer.

He's not what you would call 'a man'.

Sampie: I'd like you to fetch your finest dough and garnish it with cheese and sauce please along with a carbonated beverage. Waiter: Cheese pizza and Dr. Pepper, got it.

What no fuckn chicken fingers salad.

It's pretty much everyone's idea, fag

I like DelFriscos.

If you're a rube who's only eaten at Outback I suppose.

It's a middle class chain, nowhere near high end.