Former A list radio star under federal investigation for associating with underaged girls. Who could this be?

29  2017-09-07 by HorsesAgain


Not who you think.

Double guns sockcucka

I'm guessing Rick Dees.

Charming? Not him.

A list? Not him.

Wouldn't it be great if it was actually Gregg " Opie " Hughes?

Then he'd be all that he is ( narcissist, has bosoms, stupid etc ) as well as a pedophile.

One can dream can't one?

Based on the multitudes of evidence here I can confirm that Opie is a key player here. 100%.

Here here.

HOLD ON! His Mafia connections would have made this problem go away, I think.

Couldn't be Tranpa. They said A list.

And girls

And charming

Honestly, it could be Ant..who else was really known in radio besides Stern and O&A over the last 10 years?

Rush, Hannity, Imus, and all those other AM cunts.

But yeah, in all likelihood it's the ole rib-cracker himself.

Imus is decrepit; the other 2 are married, Limbaugh has to be 65ish and Hannity mid to late 50's. Both need a security detail to appear in public and thousands of political enemies edging for a scenario described to take them down. I can't envision once where they'd even have the opportunity to flash wads of cash to pick up underage girls without their world imploding instantly.

Oh and God knows married people can't cheat!

He said A list, not D.

"I wanna see the underage porn movie!"

Has to be Ryan Seacrest

Nah, if it was him they'd describe him as a TV Host or reality show host. No one thinks of him as a DJ

His day-to-day regular job is a radio host.

The Greaseman Waddle doodle

She told me she was eighteenah

Boner dry, slinging-ah cum-ah

There was grass on the playing fieldeh...

John and/or Jeff?

Todd Petengill

Hey this is Touchy McKids and I want your youngsters in my daycare, turkey!

Of course!

Got a feeling that it might be Bubba. Dude, is not the brightest and everything can see him getting caught.

by law,you can be a pedo in florida-so its not bubba. maybe the fbi doesn't get that uncle paul is a "bit"....

"We're 2 guys who think the FBI, should just mind their own business."

That's hilarious.

Just listened to the John and Jeff saga today

Those guys were some of my favorite Jocktobers. Other shows were trying to be edgy zoo crews or boring mom radio, but they were just puzzling. Also: "Nice!"

Doesn't Anthony openly do that?

Despite the fact that these would arguably be the most severe charges brought upon Tranth, I don't think it would garner the reaction here that his first arrest did. If he got popped for this, it's kinda old hat to us. His woman beating/biting arrest was not really expected, and an interesting wrinkle (pockmark) in Tranpa's character.

Still would be funny

it's kinda old hat to us.

To us. We're 50 dumb faggots who make the same dumb jokes over and over.

But this would be in the news, like the real actual news, and completely ruin him. You think it might get a bit more coverage because he's right of center? Nahhh lol.

Ruin him? He's already ruined, what more could be taken from him?

I can't be the only one who considers

Dennis Falcone to be an "A-Lister"

Why are you acting now as though he's not?

Watch your fuckin' mouth, Denny's got a temper on him.

"A+Lister" FTFY

Terry Clifford

It's been confirmed through my sources that Opie was informed of this months ago which is why he never met Anth for a beer and was simply using CM for leverage which never came to fruition. By the time an indictment comes down, followed by trial and sentencing Cumia will likely die from his 2nd heart attack. Bad genetics combined with boozing and this level of stress would be too much for the Cumia ticker. His old man died at a younger age

Dude, I DESTROYED my 12 year old gf last night dude.

Maxwell? Sneaky son of a bitch.

I think its Chip

It's Ant, and logic proves it. The key here isn't "A-list", since that's subjective, or "former". It's "former A-list." So someone who is still broadcasting but in a much lower profile. They didn't say it was a former broadcaster. Of the possible jocks who could have been considered A list, how many of them have taken a step backwards but are still broadcasting in some capacity? That's a very short list.

Its probably some much higher profile conservative radio talker, thats where the real money is in radio and they said "A-List" not shlock-jock.

Which A-list radio talker is no longer A-list but still on the air? And I know we're supposed to shit on them 24/7 but the O&A brand was A-list for several years.

There are nationally syndicated sports and political talkers making $20 mil/year+, O&A was never A-list except in Opie's self-perception. .

You may be right, but the A-list isn't the top 5 shows, it's top 20, 25. There are literally hundreds of A-list actors, for example. Remember, it's subjective, plenty of people would consider O&A that big for a time. They went on quite a run, it's revisionist history to say they weren't pretty big for a while. Slappy and Wappy didn't go on Letterman. Besides - again - name the A-lister who is still broadcasting but has fallen off the map. Maybe Glenn Beck? Most of the big names who flopped aren't currently on the air.

It's nobody, they're just fishing for stories. By framing it as a guessing game, they'll get a lot more leads than if they just asked for tips. If someone offers details of an actual investigation, they'll follow that up; if not, they'll follow up any radio personalities with an outsized- or very detailed- number of responses.

Who could it beeee now? Time for board gossip. Shhhhhh...

Even if it isn't Tranpa, you just know that some junior FBI could make his career off Ant's hard drive.

At the very least we can rule out Fez Whatley.

The ending we all saw coming, the twist is that his hatred for minorities got him fired from Sirius XM first.

Live From The Cell: Anthony & Craig

Its quite a stretch to call Anthony A list at this point.

But it probably is him

Ruin him? He's already ruined, what more could be taken from him?