If you're a white male you should think twice about flying

5  2017-09-07 by unclepaul84


Can this cunt just die already? I'm not sure who I hate more, her or Schumer.

Definitely this cunt. I heard Schumer say a couple sarcastic remarks ten years ago that sort of made me chuckle. The only time I ever here of this cunt is when she complaining about something.

idk... that "who wore it better" picture posted here with a picture of Lena in work-out clothes and a can of Pillsbury dough made me laugh pretty fucking hard

Wore it better? More like "Wore it Butter!"

Schumer is a fraud. At least this bitch believes her own bullshit

I bet she smells bad in real life. Not like shit, but like, really unpleasant to the point where you want to get away from her more than you already would have being that it's Lena Dunham.

Without a doubt. Like a wet dog but a bit more organic.

She's a fucking dog abuser.

I imagine the smell to be something floral on the top, but buried in it is the scent of almost spoiled cold cuts.

They really do make the best commissars. Nixon was right. It's inborn!

Lets make this a thread of all the fun ways you would want to kill Lena Dunham. Ill start: pickaxe through the skull.

Starved to death so she can simultaneously approach her ideal weight and feel the creeping sensation of inevitable demise. That's the funnest.

Nothing pisses me off more with celebrities like this... "I'm happy at my weight!" Stop fucking lying to yourself, you're just too much of a slob to ever look good and you lie to feel better.

Eaten by a pack of abandoned dogs.

I have a soft spot for the way that Ricardo Montolban died in The Naked Gun.

ISIS bride

She forgot, "and eat all."

Why what's she gonna do? Steal a dog and take it to a shelter?

Is it trying for the Bob Kelly look? just needs to gain another hundred pounds

No one even knows who you are cunt, let alone can tell and "fucking watching out" because you "know and see all."

They just think you're a fat ugly broad and move on. Self-important cunt. Stop showing off your terrible body and put a dress on.

Who would fuck that bridge troll?

Stick more shit up your sister's cunt you tub of adipose.
