Because taking pictures of random women hasn't come back to haunt you before

27  2017-09-07 by FlashVirus


I hate how everyone went along that Tranpa was taking artsy photos in time square when 3 tweet before he was clearly doing creep shots.

..I'm guilty of that. Now I never trust that little arab

Don't blame yourself, friend. The doctrine of purposeful deception, or Taqiyyah as they call it, is the way of his disgusting people. There is no honesty in them, the Tunisians.

Particularly when it was creep shots of very dark skinned women, who he relentlessly feigns no attraction to on Twitter to impress his tubbo ballwashers.

Someone that ugly shouldn't be making light of anyone's physical appearance.

I stand corrected sir

Cause he's a real looker

ME: Oh really you care about what GUYS look like? Who cares what I wear? Or if I'm employed? Or who my wife bangs

Shumer's looking pretty svelte.

At the pharmacy picking up his Xanax prescription. His lifeblood.

He feeds young waywarded trannys with it and milks it out of them like a bizarro Dracula


Do those people ever learn their lesson? Most of them are repeat offenders.

Just imagine how many people take pictures of him and his disfigured crater face. Probably one or two since he never leaves his house.

Does anyone sell those Face-ka-bobs with Anthonys face on them? i want put some out in yard to keep the raccoons away from shitting on my porch.

She looks good to me.

Stand back, boys, he's goin' piggin'

She's not all hot like anthony

What does Tranpa have to lose? Things are going great: studio in the city, sober co-host, well respected friends who aren't autists and mutants, a non-nigger family, 16 year old tranny girlfriend.

Based on age and looks they should be perfect match for each other

Does she have a penis though?

Who looks at an ugly person and thinks "oh better get the camera out and put this online." What a cunt

That's the type of behavior you except from a young cunty 9 not a greasy, bald, toothless, crater faced monster.

Leave it to Reddit to get all pissy and sanctimonious.

I thought blacks liked big white women

Those heels could strike oil.

Its not like he bas a job to lose this time. You can't get fired from your hobby.

That almost sounds like a dare.

Does anyone sell those Face-ka-bobs with Anthonys face on them? i want put some out in yard to keep the raccoons away from shitting on my porch.

I have literally never seen any media personality contune to conduct themselves in the worst possible way at all times no matter what.

it's almost like he is under a master plan to be completely exiled ad laughed off the face of the earth. cue racism, cue child pornography and under aged sex with 13 year olds, cue domestic violence charges, cue weird aggressive gun obsession, cue taking random photos of people to mock them, cue horrific skin, cue...

Looks like her left ankle is collapsing

Anthony really is a self destructive ass. This was monumentally stupid. A pharmacy of all places? If this lady somehow found the post she could probably sue.