Does Artie have teeth?

0  2017-09-07 by FlowbeeYourTits


Post a shittier picture next time you lazy nigger.

Took the words right outa my mouf.

Tsss or the teeth right outta Artie's mouth or someptin.


Good one chip.

Do you have a resolution above 10?

They're in a filthy glass next to his bed

he's definitely missing some. He claims that he does.

What difference, at this point, does it make?

EXACLY! ... my teeth are kinda yes/no in pics. Artie does look like an old lady who's removed her dentures, but that's OK

Heroin rots your teeth

He ate them.

you fucking retard

what the fuck are we supposed to do with this picture

Yes. He left them soaking in a glass of whiskey on his night stand.