Boomer and Opie?

2  2017-09-07 by unclepaul84

Boomer said the show will go on without it's "point guard". Sounds like they want someone to steer the ship. Boomer and Opie are the same age and both grew up in Long Island. Could Opie actually have a shot at the gig?


I'd like to be a fly on the wall during the interview.

Interviewer: Mr. Hughes...

Tits: Please, call me The Destroyer.

Interviewer: Aaaahhh Mr. Destroyer, I see you were under contract with Sirius and they abruptly terminated your contract. What happened there?

Tits: Sniff Haters

Interviewer: Excuse me?

Tits: The truth will come out.

Interviewer: Why don't you just tell me what happened???

Tits: Sniff

Forgot about the burp

We all should hope that Craig Carton's replacement is Opie Roberts

Nobody here can spell a fucking thing. I wish you would "stear" your car off of a bridge or a dam.

Opie doesn't know much about sports. Boomer and his mini me.

you idiots forget just how great the xfl pre-show was. opie doesn't have to be a sports genius to make great radio. while an opie and boomer show wouldn't be my preference, i'm sure it would still be a really good show.

I loved when Charlie Ebersol was promoting the 30 for 30 and he said he tried to get Opie in the doc but he wouldn't pickup his phone. Opie is such a fucknut.

Boomer's a football lunkhead who's got a better reputation at radio. I don't think he'll want to take a step down for an "Opie".

You guys keep forgetting that Opie is a known bookmaker for the Huntington Mafia, and also has ties to the Philly crew. They can't risk hiring him after this Carton debacle!

He was also fired from his last job for sexual batheoom harassment

ME: Hello lamb chops, Boomer is out today covering the Forty Niners on the west coast. I was thinking bringing in some of the interns and rewatching last years Super Bowl today.

him doing a solo sports show would be incredible

Haha. Opie working with the man that ruined Anthonys confidence all those years ago...

Broke his arm without lifting a finger. That's what "those people" get for fucking with an Aryan Adonis.
This is the childhood event that caused Anthony to delude himself into believing he's white.