Reminder that you will never be this friendzoned.

52  2017-09-07 by xavier_stock


Yikes, makeup is so unfair. She looks like a totally different person. Don't try to fool me bitches.

Is that a cyst or a zit on her forehead?

her lip wart is very distracting as well


Potty mouth.

That's being Polish. She looks it and they always have moles and shit

And standing beside her.

I hope it's a tumor.

What if the rumors are true? That Jim fucks his openers? What if Jim is being smart so we don't harass the shit out of her on Twitter. He'd be stupid not to.

Jimmy's such a great friend to Kelsey Cook that he even offers to clean her boyfriend's cum off her with a rag when he's finished fucking her.

with a rag

Cmon dude we all know Norton cleans up with his mouth

He's a good boy.

ful of shame

Never realized how tiny Jim's head is, or does Kelsey just have a massive noggin?

Colin Quinn calls him things like "pinhead" and uses phrases "dino dinosaur baby little liver spotted head" quite ofter. When CQ talks, you listen to every word of it nigger. That man is our messiah around here.

He said that Jimmy looks like Dino from The Flintstones. A king among men.

Dino spots head

She has killer tits so she's hilarious in my book!

If you confuse Opie with hilarious, you have problems.

Friend zoned by a 6 and you're famous. Strong work Norden.

TBF, he coulda just wanted to be made up like a pretty lady.

My fucking god I hate 2017 Jim Norton

I can see both sides


This was always the real Jim Norden. That surly, take no guff comedian from years ago was just a result of him copying his other comedian friends. He's always been a little eager to please cakeboy.

He's like 50 and doing this shit?

Wtf is this?

It's a video of Jim and a dame.

Okay yeah he's gay.

I honestly had my doubts until now. But yeah, he's 100% gay. This seals it.

Also Kelsey is a Q T Pie.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I can't really blame Jim for being friend zoned. I'd let that bitch put makeup on me too.

Until she sells out to the sjw crowd she is very attractive to me.

this made me feel the most embarrassed by being a jimmy fan & this is a man who like to have people pee & shit on him

Oh please - I've been friendzoned way harder by much uglier chicks.

Good audio quality.

Potty mouth.