Vos subtly lets us know Artie's nose is bleeding | The AA Show

109  2017-09-07 by TinOwl_Twitch


Nice catch!

Ant is over-laughing. He's uncomfortable. And why wouldn't he be?

Every clip I saw of Anthony's own show - sounds nothing like when he was on radio. The late night, Carson style - looking into camera like a fucking news anchor....that was weird.

This fucking thing oozes awkwardness.

Artie's nose was running like it recently snorted large quantities of a powdered opiate.
Keith really knocked this deal out of the park.

oozes awkwardness

like Arties nose

Hes always overlaughed. But it was subtle and necessary to keep the flow alot of the time. Like a shitty guest.

But on his own show it was just like you said.

What a clusterfuck

I remember when my nose would bleed from Coke.. now I wish I had blood vessels in my nose left to bleed

Could this be a chronic thing? Leftover from years of use?

I had a nosebleed once for no reason, but it was once in 46 years. Oddly enough, days later somebody punched me in the nose and I had another one.

I'm glad you got punched

I really did have it coming. I was walking through a well lit parking lot at night on a major road on a college campus minding my own business. And, this will make you REALLY happy, it wasn't just a punch in the nose. There were so or seven of them. The guy who hit me in my nose was slightly behind me to the right. I never saw it. So I went down and the six or seven of them beat me (and I was later told with pipe or something from the bruises), until they taught me my lesson about walking through a well lit parking lot at night on a major road on a college campus minding my own business. It was quite a service they did me.

I have to ask the Anthony question. Were they men of a certain ethnic background who traditionally rob people, are prone to violence and perhaps of a darker skin hue than white people?

It seemed to be the wrong time and place to be a white guy. It being a college town I assumed it was a fraternity thing, or they thought I was "privileged". I had a middle class upbringing, so I guess there's a certain advantage to that, but I did 2 years at a community college to save money (there is no point wasting extra money on the 13th and 14th grade, back then tuition at the community college was $90/quarter, I don't know why it was quarters, but it was), and borrowed all the money to go to the university. Boy, I bet their faces would be red if they knew that.

It fucked me up for a long time. I've never been a fighter but back then I was a pretty lean 6'/180. I didn't work out regularly, but I unloaded trucks at work. I was pretty strong for a guy who didn't lift (regularly). I thought I could take care of myself. I was wrong. Parking lots at night were a problem for me for a long time after that.

Fuck I didn't need your life story! I just asked if the people who attacked you were negroes!

Damn, I'm bad about that.

Don't listen 2 v h8r, u write like a comedy angel.

You never really answered the question. I mean obviously I've spent enough time around blacks to know the whole "traveling in packs yet still suckerpunch a guy and beat him on the ground" is something only desperate disadvantaged people do to get bread to feed their family, but can you just say they were black so I can cum and close my browser for the night?

They were black. They didn't take anything from me, so their causes weren't as Noble as putting bread on the table. It happened so fast I'm not sure if it was six or seven, but it was like a clown car, people kept getting out.

Every fiber of my being said "get the fuck out of here", but I was somewhere between frozen and figuring I'd just see what they wanted.

Did they ever state their business?


When they pulled up, the guy leanded out the passengers window and said "hang on, I want to ask y'all something". This is when the clown car disembarking took place. The same guy said "I want to know if you know where I can buy some weed". I believe this is what magicians call "misdirection", because before I had a chance to say "no, I'm new in town" (plus I'm a square and don't smoke weed), the shot to the nose I never saw coming landed.

So if he really wanted to know where to buy weed, they were very impatient waiting for an answer, and come to think of it he could have asked without getting out of the car.

So I have inferred that their business was to beat up a white guy, although they never stated that up front. They just did it.

Sorry to hear that. Do you look like a victim? If, in your opinion, you look like a victim, start increasing your food intake and make pushups and squats a part of your everyday life. Puffer fish style. Look like less of a victim. Good luck.

Now I look like a big fat hippie. But back then, I said , I was 6' /180. I wouldn't think I would look like a mark. Of course if it's seven against one, who doesn't look like a mark.

Actually there were three of us. My buddies went two different directions and called the cops. I never faulted them for that. So there was three of us when they pulled up, but the actual beating was six or seven to one.

What I fault myself for is that it all happened so fast, I did my best job to curl up in a ball as best I could, and try to walk away. I was stunned, the first shot doubled me over, and like I said, I'm not a fighter... But fuck, I didn't try. Were they going to beat me to death there? I really don't think so. What did I have to lose by standing up swinging wildly, or trying to punch a kneecap or two from my balled up position? I think mentally I would have been better off losing a tooth and taking my best (completely untrained "I'm not a fighter") shot.

Remember that. The next time you are in a similar situation, and that may be YEARS from now, just remember that impotent feeling. Stand up for yourself. Try. Also, make push ups and squats a daily part of your life. Every day. Every. Day. That fat turns into healthy looking bulk. People may be less inclined to zero in on you as an easy mark. Also, dressing like a hippie puts a bullseye on your back in certain environments.

Oh I don't dress like a hippie - I'm not a hippie. I just have long hair. I dress like I live at the beach. I wear shorts and sandals until the last minute I can't.

I may slowly be getting the weight under control.

You sound fascinating. You can come and work in our garden like the black man from House of Cards.

I have a job, but I'm always open. What does it pay?

You get a room with mattress ( your own, no sharing ), 1 beer a day and a key to the master bedroom ( mine ) for cuddles.

I'm going to go with the job I have for now. It's pretty good and I have a guy named Gregg negotiating my raise next year, and I have high hopes for that. But I'm definitely going to keep this in mind.

man this thread is gold.

Did you lose consciousness?


The worst part about a bad mugging is them taking your fucking confidence to walk around at night by yourself for years after.

It's exactly this. And the confidence to walk around with your girlfriend/fiance/wife (mine made the transition through the three before I was over it). If you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of her.

Perhaps I should have tried some counseling, but all I could picture was them saying"don't be scared", and me saying "Dammmnn. I never looked at it like that before.". So I never did it. Aslo at 20 I had a bit of "real men don't go to therapy" complex. But real men also didn't get one punch in.

Grew up in Baltimore, got held up multiple times. Couple of bad ones with guns involved really fucked me up for a long time. Best thing I ever did was get the fuck out of Baltimore and stay out. It wasn't your fault, it probably hasn't happened since because you're smart enough to know to stay out of that situation. I have busted my ass to make enough money to live in neighborhoods where I know these fucks aren't around. I live in Texas now and I carry. This will never happen to me again because I won't allow it to.

My post graduation trips to Greenville have been minmal.

I live in NC and could carry. I don't for a few reasons. I've already been called out for being long winded so I won't enumerate them.

Get a gun faggot.

Well, if you say so.

I say that in the nicest way possible of course! But really though, if your state isn't to liberal, you don't have to be a gun nut. Just be smart about it. It is the one true equaliser.

fantastic story. Love the emphasis on the couch warriors REALLY loving reading a story about you getting beat. LOL great stuff. Good laugh.

You're 46 years old and hang out on this sub?

Late twenties, why?

Yeah, I started following the show in 2005, and this is easier than reading actual books. Wife and kids go to bed early, I like to stay up. The amount of venom here is refreshing.

The show goes back into the 90s, I can't be the only guy here in my mid forties, can I? Meh, I don't give a shit. If you ever want to hear about the 80s, I'm your guy.

if you ever want to hear about the 80s

What was AIDS like?

I'll ask Freddy Mercury next time I talk to him.

Have any leftover coke and tuinals you could send my way?

Sorry, I'm a square. I never did come and she never I don't even know what tunials are.

I had a friend who went to school at Johns Hopkins, which is in Baltimore (home of the shows, Homicide and The Wire.) He mentioned that, a block off campus, it was unsafe to walk alone. Grateful I didn't have to experience that. (Granted, it would've been nice to have been smart enough to get into Johns Hopkins.)

What I've seen of Baltimore, mostly just a couple of passing through trips and a meal or two, is very weird. Beautiful redone waterfront restaurants, stadium area, and dear God let's get out of here. This was probably 2006. I imagine it's cleaned up some now. I know they tore down the tower projects like every other big city.

This was in Greenville, NC. It had some really rough parts, but the area around the campus was generally safe. Kids regularly walked from where this happened across the campus to the other street that bordered the campus where all the bars were. I never heard of anyone else getting hurt unless they got drunk and fell down.

You write well and sound pretty fascinating. Not tryng to suck your dick but if you want it it's there.

I'm frome Europe and went to Baltimore for new year sometime, god damn it's an awful place.

Happily married, but flattered.

This is the only reason I come.to reddit. For this sub.

Look at arties nose up close.. you can see his left nostril has collapsed slightly... he clearly has lost a lot of cartilage in his nose, and what happens is your nose basically doesn't function correctly.. you don't get runny noses anymore.. cuz all the mucus/snot whatever just builds up in the hole that's been created and every few days you have to blow out a huge bloody bugger... your nose doesn't keep itself, I guess lubricated is the word, anymore.. if I had a heavy nose bleed for whatever reason now, I believe it would go down my throat and into mouth more than come out my nose.. On the nosebleed subject.. a older relative of mine was taking ibrubrofen(can't spell it) daily cuz of pain in his back.. he woke up once in the middle of the night with his nose pissing blood.. realy heavy nosebleed to where he went to emergency room cuz he was so freaked out.. turns out, taking to much ibrobfen thins your blood and can result in crazy nosebleeds

I knew a guy who had kidney problems they thought were related to ibuprofen.

Were you a daily user or just over enough time that you developed the hole?


Maybe too personal... You still do it?


Wow. Is it a really expensive thing? Do you still enjoy it? Sorry, I've really talked to anybody who reached that point and kept going.

It's expensive, about 1000 a week. He is well of though. He enjoys it with red wine and beer.

Well as long as you class it up with wine I'm sure it's fine.

Yes, and it's poured in a glass and not swigged from the bottle.

I assumed. I also assumed that he checked wine.com to be sure it costs at least $40/bottle. Probably has a fancy mirror and one of those fancy Y shaped things so you can snort up both nostrils at once. I saw an ad for one once but can't find it.

Wish I could afford to have my nose bleed from it. Only thing that bleeds is my checking account.

He'll be dead by November, but I bet they won't do another Patrice benefit( due to conflicting dates with the Artie Benefit), which is good news...

People have been saying that for 20 years. He's still kicking.

Artie is having coke jitters a few months after he had to get gunk drained out of his clogged chest cavity. He's done for.

All part of the plan. Lock up Artie for his inevitable death. Lock up Michael Malice for the inevitable war with North Korea. Compound media starts to finally make some cash.

Still kicking=told it would be a miracle if he lived 5 years.

Some old whore Artie was banging on the reg will start a crowd funding campaign for an Artie documentary and will raise a lot of money. She will travel and then ask for more money after releasing 6 interview clips of Norm, Stuttering John, Anthony, Bob Levy, Matarese, & Norton who cries again.

Von showing Opie some cleavage amd convincing him she wanted to fuck was the most brilliant hoe move she ever pulled.

Opie won't be showing up either way.

Artie would never waste drugs by putting them up his nose. He shoots that motherfucker right in his vein.

he's said many times he's terrified of needles. He never once shot heroin.

Oh, is that what he told you?

No he said it many times on Stern and on his podcast.

Use your brain you dope.

I'm mocking you for taking Artie at his word, especially on air, when he is known for being a habitual addicted liar. I'm so excited your dunning-kruger capped off your ability to see that, stupid.

worked out real well for ya, buddy

Oh, I know you got all your precious little computer points, nerd.

This is a very expensive (but slightly safer) say to be a heroin addict, right?

Heroin isn't that expensive. But yes.

he's not scared of knives.

This thread is confusing me because I thought the whole point of that scene in Pulp Fiction is that it's an extremely bad idea to snort heroin. As in nobody does that.

I don't know about drugs, I'm a good boy.

Because of the drug mixup in Pulp Fiction, it's just way too much heroin to snort.

Plus it was Panda, or Guava, or whatever. When you shot it, you would know where the extra $500 went. Also, he would take the Pepsi challenge with that Amsterdam damn shit any day of the week. Which is a bold statement.

Nah. He snorts heroin just like cocaine, cause he's so fat that he can't find a vein.

Hoo hoo

I really thought he was making the coke scowl face while watching live. I think he's back on the soft.

I think he's back on the soft.

I don't know what this means? Heroin?

He's talking about coke. Coke dealers talk in terms of "soft" or "hard", meaning coke for snorting and crack for smoking, respectively. So "soft" here means snortable coke.

But don't kid yourself; if he relapsed (he did), it would be to go right back to doing heroin, almost certainly by snorting it again. You don't quit a several hundred dollars a day heroin habit and then relapse on coke. I've followed Artie's heroin use over the years and I'm 99% sure he gets shitty dope cut with weird shit. You can snort good dope daily for years and not get nosebleeds. His nose is getting damaged by whatever fucked up cut the person of color is putting in there.

Based on his comments on Rogan's podcast, it sounds like he's had more relapse than recovery. Didn't he just say somewhere recently how long he'd been clean?

Are you less likely to OD snorting it?

I heard a theory that it was hard to OD smoking it because you'd probably pass out first, where as if you snort or inject it, it's in there.

Last time he was on Jim and Sam he claimed 7 days sober. This was about 2 weeks ago.

Junkies with grey witch hair never stay clean.

Maybe he took the money that Keith and Ant gave him (well OK that Ant gave him, he does pay for everything) and used it to rekindle his habit. I really hope that's not true. I don't know if pairing Artie with Anthony- a guy who clearly has no respect for sobriety or taking responsibility- is the best thing.

He just got some money from season 2 of Crashing. Artie's been partying a tad.

His nose is bleeding bc he snorted crush up glass by accident like a year ago.

That story makes no sense.

Maybe not, but its what he said on Fitzdog's podcast. His gf accidentally broke a salt shaker near where the other stuff was cut up and went into the bathroom. Artie just assumed it was all good and snorted it (with the glass pieces.)

I never heard the full story and now it does sound like bullshit

He told that story on the first episode of A&A, and he almost told it again last night during the second episode.

Huge lie. Even if it was true (it isn't) his nose wouldn't still be bleeding after a year. He obviously snorts his drugs through the same nostril every time. Once you get good at it and do it "one handed" you're snorting at an angle so the drugs are hitting the side of your nostril over and over again and eventually it erodes the tissue away.

It's POC now saying people of color is racist now, you POS

I know a full blown l, yet somehow functional coke head that would shake so bad it looked like he had Parkinson's for years. He got a new hook up and his shakes went away.

I think he's also back on the horse.

What a slob. He tried to hide it for a sec by pushing his nose into the mic.

I've never snorted anything. I know cocaine is abraisive and can eat a hole through your septum over time. Is heroin like that too?

He literally snorted glass by accident about a year or two ago, and permanently fucked up his nose/sinuses. Some girl he was with used a glass salt/pepper shaker to crush a pill, and somehow the bottom of the glass shaker was braking into what he attempted to snort. Something like that, you can look up him telling the story.

I guess I don't get the opiate culture. I've taken plenty of Xanax and Klonopin. If I need them to work faster, I chew them up, or hold them under my tongue. I understand they're trying to defeat the time release mechamism, but is snorting it that much more effective than just chewing it up?

I read his second book, I forget what it's called. It sounds like opiates are fun for a month or so, then it just all becomes about having enough on hand to not get sick.

Yeah, eating stuff requires going through your digestive system. Snorting stuff goes to your lungs, where it goes to the bloodstream.

Instantaneous high and they're not really fun. You just feel way too amazing to stop. And snorting blows away chewing them. Not close.

Are you implying substance abuse doesn't get better with time?

Wine, certain guitars and certain cars are the only thing that get better over time. But if somebody gives you a bottle of wine, go to wine.com and make sure it costs at least $40, and be sure to announce that on a national radio show.

It seems like opiates in particular become all about just having enough on hand to function. I know people will get urges for coke, but it doesn't make you sick, does it?

Not like with opiates. With coke it's a compulsive thing. You start and you'll end up doing it until you're either out of money or there's just no more coke to get.

I remember when I was a teenager the only time I ever shot anything I shot coke with this guy and it was so damn good and after I came down I immediately wanted more and thankfully he was responsible enough to tell me no ... I can definitely see how this could be very addictive

I read one of his books, too fat to fish, not sure if that is the one you're thinking of.

No, it's the one after that. It's called Crash and Burn. It chronicaled his addiction, suicide attempts, and I think at that point recovery. But who knows how long he's ever put together.

I read Vince Neil's book. He explained that he quit all drugs and drinking, but occasionally he had tequila (maybe he had his own brand?). I think he had a DWI before the book was out. Sometimes, the answer is simply"quit all that shit". Some people can probably do it in their own, some have luck with 12 step programs, there are other programs. But I don't think Vince Neil can be a social drinker, he's just past that. And Artie can't do one of anything. And I think it will kill him eventually. It's too bad, he's a funny guy.

I vaguely recall Vince killed a friend in a car accident, maybe that contributed to his quitting?

Saw Motley Crue (with Ratt!) in '84, damn I'm old lol

Did you ever hear his Kathy Griffin story?

Heroin isn't as bad. The amount of heroin that you would be snorting would highly likely be way, way less. If you pace yourself you can go through a gram or two of coke over the course of a night but you'll blast right through a bunch of stamps of heroin real quickly.

It's not adbrasive, coke's a vasoconstrictor - it causes blood vessels to constrict. Do too much, and the tissue doesn't get enough blood and dies, leaving a hole.

This sub really comes alive when someone has a question about drugs.

Start small. I did nasal snuff for a while. I miss it.

The weird powdered tobacco stuff?

The very same. I was hooked very quickly.

Oh boy.

Holy shit. And so it begins.

Vos is genuinely concerned in this clip.

This is a tough place to be in as a friend. It sucks for everyone involved. They are all grown men but god dammit this is hard to watch.


touche' bitch

good hire keith



Vos is a class A profiler.

He's part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, a department of elite F.B.I. profilers. He has no jurisdiction, he is flown in a private jet to whoever needs his expertise.

God damn, is that a deep cut reference. lol

Or it could be a booger? Keef the cop would never hire a junkie, you guys.

I thought he was sober.... oh.

So did Keith.

I'm sure Ant and Keef would say that it's just seasonal allergies.

Is it not potentially a problem to have this so blatantly out in the open? Lets say Artie falls on real hard times again, couldn't he sue Ant for recognizing one of his employees has a drug problem but didn't seek to get him help? Not that Artie would ever do something like that. It just seems like their substance abuse issues are something that's better alluded to with a wink and a nod instead of keep a coke rag at the desk.

Can't see Art doing that. He isn't the suing kind.

By that logic he'd still be in court with Stern.

Sue everybodyyyyyyyyy!

Coke is the only thing that could save this show.

Your misunderstanding of the law is infuriating. You can't sue someone for preventing you from using drugs you numbskull.

I have a cousin who did exactly that in Canada so please go suck a lemon sir.


They had to raise the subscription price so that they could subsidize Artie's drug abuse.

What a surprise, the guy from the show mocking aa might still have an addiction.

shut up AA junkie

This is going great

Note to Keith: Need a third camera to iso guest so director can cut between the guest and Ant while Artie performs his triage every ten minutes.

a lil coke for the chippah

this made me queasy

legit cant watch this show anymore

As stupid as it sounds, I think Vos genuinely forgets that he's on camera.

It's been years since Vos could surprise us with his stupidity.


that was definitely definitely one of the greatest moments ever!


Might explain why everyone thought the second show was so much better. A little blow to get the baby gorilla dancing.

I like that he paid all that money for a studio in the city and used CGI to replicate a creepy mancave.

I hope Opie weighs in. The Opster did some coke!

I cringed just reading "The Opster"

We know he's never gonna lighten up on the rails, but why doesn't Artie at least give that right nostril a break and use the left one? Or even better, have Ant blow it up his asshole.

If Artie dies as co-host, I'd probably sub just to watch the shows leading up and the aftermath.

This entire relaunch has been so disappointing in every way.

We have concealed carry here. There's a few issues. The kids are big enough now I don't worry too much about that. The big one is I decided maybe the chronically depressed don't need handguns.

He quit for a while. He was in jail for 20 days, so it was probably hard to get Jack Daniels in there. And I think he said he tried to do that tour sober.

He relapsed along the way, but Nikki seems to have out it together.

Fuck I didn't need your life story! I just asked if the people who attacked you were negroes!

You never really answered the question. I mean obviously I've spent enough time around blacks to know the whole "traveling in packs yet still suckerpunch a guy and beat him on the ground" is something only desperate disadvantaged people do to get bread to feed their family, but can you just say they were black so I can cum and close my browser for the night?

What I've seen of Baltimore, mostly just a couple of passing through trips and a meal or two, is very weird. Beautiful redone waterfront restaurants, stadium area, and dear God let's get out of here. This was probably 2006. I imagine it's cleaned up some now. I know they tore down the tower projects like every other big city.

This was in Greenville, NC. It had some really rough parts, but the area around the campus was generally safe. Kids regularly walked from where this happened across the campus to the other street that bordered the campus where all the bars were. I never heard of anyone else getting hurt unless they got drunk and fell down.

The worst part about a bad mugging is them taking your fucking confidence to walk around at night by yourself for years after.

He's part of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, a department of elite F.B.I. profilers. He has no jurisdiction, he is flown in a private jet to whoever needs his expertise.

By that logic he'd still be in court with Stern.

You get a room with mattress ( your own, no sharing ), 1 beer a day and a key to the master bedroom ( mine ) for cuddles.

fantastic story. Love the emphasis on the couch warriors REALLY loving reading a story about you getting beat. LOL great stuff. Good laugh.


Sue everybodyyyyyyyyy!