The AA Show // RICH VOS // 09/06/2017

22  2017-09-06 by porsalin


Youre just the bessdoe

I don't know if you do this because you love us, or you want the rest of us to suffer your pain as well.

love and hate are indistinguishable at this point

I can't even watch this. Artie looking like he has a few months ledt to live fake laughing at Anthony's jokes. The fall off was real.

My god the green screen is just atrocious. The people don't even come close to color matching the background. Visually, this is terrible.

Ant pays a bunch for a fancy desk, lighting and other studio equipment and then makes it look like a cheap production due to the green screen

He honestly had better production values in his basement.

I don't know why he doesn't just go with a setup like Norm Mcdonald or Adam Carolla has the green screen shit is awful.

Even bob kelly does it better

To be fair, they finally got rid of the child drawings of their guests and have real headshots on the monitor.

That's pretty good, right?

They're now talking about the Andy Griffith Show, a show that aired in the 60s..who the fuck is this for?

Deep discount is such an honorable and legitimate company that they share Compound ad space with unregulated caribbean gambling sites.

I can't hit Ant for this, DD also advertises on the world renowned chip chipperson podacast

I have a theory though that chip doesn't actually respect his listeners.

Good point since that shit producer Lauren NEVER cuts it out when Chip tells her to

References, the show.

Thank you for your service

This is painfully bad.

I thought it had some good moments. A fair bit of slower ones but definitely far better than yesterday. Some good lines in there too. At least Ant hasn't talked about FBI crime statistics or Trump for a few days.

Can you also post the Midnight Rider rant about Opie?

What is up with the DBZ imagery? As Florentine would say "How old are you five"?

It's a very old channel