When is a comedian gonna take this TRUMP guy to task???

27  2017-09-06 by Single_Action_Army



Hot take, Colombo.

This guy's saying what everyone else is thinking.

you should die.

The only comedians telling it like it is are the brave ones taking a stand against Trump, even facing a detriment to their careers.

They do it because they relate to the everyday American, maaaaaaannnn

When will someone be BRAVE ENOUGH to take a shot at conservatives?

Dopey O&A subreddit posters talk about me all the time. All are bad (or sick) people! Downvote!

Nice use of the exclamation points. Thats the worst part

You could do a solid quarter hour just on the covfefe ordeal alone.

Everybody knows if you make a joke about Trump the Nazi death squads will come after you. Entertainers are the second most discriminated people in America, next to Middle-Easterners who can afford plane tickets.

Check out his guy's comments if you want a good chuckle at how deranged some of these liberals are. 37 year old virgin


Join the Resistance maaaaaaan

Sorry if my take on Trump triggers you, white fratbro snowflakes

I hate when they try to take "snowflake" for themselves and "own" it.

Snow flakes be crying!! Not us tough demo carps tho