Jim Norton & Sam Roberts - Wednesday September 6th, 2017

5  2017-09-06 by unreal305


Thanks luv

finally a great show today why can't they do this every time

Worth listening cuz it has Rich Vos? I basically only watch it when a decent guest is on but Vos can be hit/miss.

Vos wasn't at his best today but still light years more entertaining than Sam Roberts.

Norton gives me douche chills anytime he tries to compare his shitty acting career to a real actor. He was dying for McGinley to tell him he knew of his work. Norton is the worst actor I've ever watched on stage or screen. Brutal.

Norton sounds so bothered in the beginning. After Sam says "Travis you didn't woof" he repeated that in a tired tone of voice. Do you guys think he is sick or just tired? Maybe it's AIDS?