Where can I get the first AA show

1  2017-09-06 by SirWallaceII

First I would like to extend my deepest apologies, as I have searched the sub to find the full AA show and I can not. I will accept any down votes for this and also you can smear doodie on my face.

That being said. I would be curious to check out the first AA show. Did they make it free? I checked you tube and google also.

Lastly, I would like to declare I am a complete faggot, have a very tiny pecka, a minuscule IQ, no friends and I make $400 a year. I also live in my parents bastment and never felt the soft touch of a woman.

I beg for your forgiveness and may god have mercy on my soul. Thank you for your time.


Contact Bobo. I've heard he might be selling copies on VHS and 8 track.

I only have a laser disc player :(

Keep your chin up friend, that's $400 more than Opie.


Thank u very much kind sir

I just finished it in my toilet.

Thank you for all who have sent me a link to the show. after 19 minutes and 23 secounds i shut it off and realzied it sucks pecka. same old garbage

I skipped to the very end to see what others commented on, Artie putting his glasses and getting his bag ready. That is literally what i did in every class I was watching the clock and leaving on the exact dot I could and not staying a moment later.

The sim city 2000 music adds to the sadness.

link me up, friend

Gahdamnit, i want a link too

TBH, you didn't miss much. Give it a week or two to see if there's actually going to be any structure or discussion of current news/events. I say this because yesterday was just two guys we all know rehashing the same shit we've all heard. But aside from Ant laying on the laughs, it was nothing new or different. It was a weak first offering. And I'm someone who has rooted for Ant since the day he was canned. But I do find a lot of his dating tactics repulsive.

IF this was something that actually had behind the scenes producers who knew how to run a comedy show they would have something. Stern was Stern for a reason. Opie and Anthony rode the coat tails of a stable of up and coming amazing comedians.

This duo actually needs to be a trio but the third person is the visionary behind the scenes producing the show.

Keith the Keystone Cop won't cut the mustard. Who wudda thunk that producing pro content actually takes know-how, weird huh?