Nice Moe Greene glasses, asshole.

43  2017-09-06 by RBuddCumia


The entire chat on YouTube is just asking where Chippah is.

What a dumb fuck. How do you live being so blindly loyal to your stupid nationality that you put money against the negro killing machine?

McGregor isn't Samoan

Nor beluga

Even Anthony put money against the Irishman , Anthony for christ sake

he rasis not tarded

I put five on mcgayer to win 25

Because betting on McGregor was the only way to make money. Now it depends on if Bobby actually believed he could or was just hail-marrying it in case a miracle happened (which I can respect)

Because betting on McGregor was the only way to make money.

so, how much money did he make?

I'm talking odds. There was no money betting on Floyd

There was no money betting on Connor no matter the odds

McGregor is Irish, not American. How fucking difficult is it for you people to understand this? How do you keep making this basic fucking mistake?

Nationality refers to your heritage, not the geographic area you were born in, gaylord.

Listen, pal, I'm an Anglo Saxon Aryan Celt Viking with almost certainly some greasy wop in me from when a bored roman sentry gave it to a slutty wode-covered Dorset lass, but you don't see me claiming any other nationality than the one who issued my passport.

The US has a fleet of nuclear powered supercarriers, more SSBNs than the rest of the world combined, is a relative beacon of democracy or at least hedonism, the culture that the entire world aspires to that could also level any other country on the globe within two hours of having the notion. Why the gibbering FUCK would any of you choose to associate yourselves with a bigoted Catholic hell hole full of inbred farmers ( this goes for you "Italian Americans" too) who had to make improvised bombs from fertiliser and sugar and who got thoroughly ventilated in every stand-up battle they engaged the British army in is several parsecs beyond my understanding

Bobby is older he needs them to aim for the krill swarms

I didn't know varys had a podcast.

We need a couple of hard, pipe-hittin' niggers, who'll go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch.

He looks exactly like serial killer Jerry Brudos

Jerry Brudos

Jerome Henry "Jerry" Brudos (January 31, 1939 – March 28, 2006) was an American serial killer and necrophiliac who committed the murders of a minimum of four women in Oregon between 1968 and 1969.

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For once, you're relevant.

Thanks, you creep.

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Him, or Tor Johnson.

"It's time for go to bed!"

His network dries up like his arteries.

Every fat girl on tinder around here has the same glasses.

SJW Starter Kit:

1) Eyeglasses that make you look 70 years old

2) Stupid Bettie Page haircut

3) Shitty hair color

4) 50 pounds of fat in all the wrong places

Looking at life through aquarium glass has never been easier

"You gawd damn guineas really make me laugh, dude."

its really getting to Swifty Lazar territory...

I ate my bones while you were still bangin cheerleaders duuuude

Ace Bovine



Duuude you got your panties draped on the mic, you got a vestigial television behind ya, BOOM.

I have the same pair in a wood grain pattern. LOL

The hipsters have simply won. My full beard can attest to as much.

He's wearing that shit since Louie started to use his Big Time Producer glasses.

He's a loud dumb fat cunt consumed by jealousy.

For once, you're relevant.

Thanks, you creep.