''I don't even want to charge money for this, it's awful. I feel bad'' - Artie Lange

126  2017-09-05 by Notmyfirstacc3

Artie just said at the ending of the show hahah


This is actually a good fit for him. Artie only self-destructs when he's involved with something successful.

That was shit. It felt like Artie was on some morning zoo show he didn't give a fuck about just tossing old bits out.

"It felt like"

I mean it's a cool car right?

Ant is probably pissed about the money he spent on that billboard.

It's funny because Anthonys mugshot is not the result of some youthful hijinks. He beat up an anorexic girl last year

Some say he's still searching for that gun to this very day.

If you listen closely, you can hear the echoes of the Seinfeld theme and him asking where his gun is.

And on hot summer nights, sailors tell tales of wayward ships lost at sea, draw in by Dani's cries for help, a cry that forces men to leap overboard in squadrons even though they see the beached skulls

too true. like yeah man when I was 28 mannn spent the night in jail cu I had 1/4 ounce of weed at a phish concert maaaaannnn

no sir, u were 57 and it was a domestic violence charge placed by your wayward 19 year old pill head gf. fucking dope.

That's not true! Stop spreading misinformation about Anthony Cumia!

He beat up an anorexic girl two years ago.

HOly fuck that was two years ago.

What have I been doing with my life

It seems like only yesterday that Anthony Cumia, in a drunken rampage, beat, strangled, bit, and basically attempted to imprison a woman less than half his age, and even after being sentenced to rehab, did not take it seriously at all, even going so far as to get drunk on the flight home.

How time flies.

But... it was... almost just yesterday.

Yeah, it literally feels like this year that aging pedophile Anthony Cumia, in a drunken rampage, beat, strangled, bit, kicked and basically attempted to imprison a woman less than half his age by ripping his 1996 landlines out of the wall, after a night out at the Cheesecake Factory where his intoxication caused him to recklessly leave his firearm there. And even after being sentenced to rehab where he snuck his cellphone in, did not take it seriously at all, even going so far as to get drunk on the flight home.

He also smashed his jitterbug

...thereby becoming the champion of many who are likely guilty of the same.

Anthony has a way of normalizing everything from racism to alcoholism to 'domestic disturbance'.

He beat up an anorexic girl last year

A mentally challenged anorexic girl at that.

*bit not beat

Nope. It was beat.

And bit

Aaaaaaand beat.

Well played


It was free. Nobody else was advertising on it.

Keith sucked off the entire billboard maintenance crew for that one, buddy...

Imagine being a millionaire and the only thing that makes you happy is talking about the days you were broke 40 years ago.

Hey, that kinda sounds like Artie, tho!

Imagine drinking day in and day out. And you're not entirely sure what happened last Tuesday, or last week. But all that stuff from when you were younger, those memories are intact. So you sit up at 2am watching Aliens for the umpteenth time. You considered watching the new one, but think that you MAY have seen it, you're not 100% sure. And you don't want to take a chance and watch it, because when you do that and you realize you've already seen it, it's a reminder of your damaged brain.

Just curious, you Jewish?

A little too close to home.

Dude, SERIOUSLY. I have one of those jobs where I'm supposed to remember things. Memory loss is scary shit.

Yes, it's a very important job, given to you by no less than Napolean.

It doesn't take Sigmund Freud to figure out he's talking to himself.

Anthony will be outraged by the interracial couple over and over again (although I'm pretty sure that girl was actually hispanic.)

Hey lets take it easy on the brain damage from drug abuse jokes guy

Imagine being a millionaire

I think that's the only thing he can do now.

This is the saddest/truest description of these two wops I've ever heard

It was better than Cumia alone, but it was still awful for what is considered to be a headlining show.

The Stern folks aren't impressed either. The best description of it on that end is that it was basically going to turn into the "Anthony Cumia interviews Artie Lange show". And that's exactly what it was, the same old shit rehashed.

Cumia better get some interns or book tons of guests to lean on, and hope that folks are too lazy to cancel.

It was far from awful. PC Fonzie alone was worth the price of admission.

This isn't a new Star Wars movie or Guns 'n Roses album; maybe lower those expectations a bit. It's retarded to bash these two as broke-down has-beens yet still expect greatness from them.

Pick a lane.

Speaking of lowered expectations; what was this episode awful compared to?

Jim & Sam? Legion of Scrubs? YKWD?

It anorexically slim pickings out there.

Pick a lane.

The "joomommyhappy is a middle of the road faggot" lane is pretty jammed at the moment.

It was awful when you consider that it was the premier of a new show that they've had a month plus to prepare for. It was at best, maybe comparable to a very off day on the old 2000 era Stern show. That's what it sounded like, small talk.

When you consider the histories of the pair of them, you can't expect it to get much better.

trouble is it isn't free, in an ocean of free concent to pay for this seems insane.

LoS and YKWD are both way better shows than this. Also they're free. Don't do the super lame and predictable fanboy thing of trashing other shows in a bad attempt at defending another show? "Legion of Scrubs"? You should be shot for that.

They are more like legion of whos

More like legion of skunks, because they stink... tsss...

Lower your expectations? Oh I don't know but when a podcast costs more than Netflix per month...

I'm still amazed I resubbed from a month. Its expensive, then the first week the fucking ready tin knocker fucked off on holiday. Got stiffed twice, and three times if you count how bad this first show was.

You are retarded. You should hire a carer to steer you away from such self destructive idiocy.

He should crowd fund my cartoon

Do you have a Kickstarter link?


Skeptic Tank, JRE, The Church, Hardcore History...

Tons of good shit out there

"JRE" eww

Haha he also mentioned "the church", he couldn't possible mean the fattey Diazs church podcast can he,

Danish and O'Neill. Boner City.

A) The set looks better on a TV than it does on a computer screen, they need to fire their video production guy.

B) It was listenable, nothing amazing but better than anything involving Opie, Anthony or Jimmy in like a year. They're getting to know each other, so there's a chance they'll start developing chemistry. People just want to be cunts.

Hahaha you're kidding right? The set was shit and it was just talking about Sopranos, Italians, and 50s tv shows & movies. You're a simpleton if you like that

You're a moron, I didn't say it was good.

I said it was better than Jim and Sam or Anthony by himself, which are awful.

The sets actually does look better on a TV than a computer monitor for whatever reason.

So we are going to pretend grandpa isn't riding the green screen roller coaster


A listen to the Chip Chipperson Podacast is your reward

It wasnt far from awful it just was. I like your defense of give them a break they're broke down has beens. All the shows you mentioned are better. Why no chip mention? Rogan? NML? Ant has chosen to do this scorch-type show where it's not funny enough to laugh at but dull enough to mock

They need to go down to a local community college and find some freaks who are willing to intern for less than minimum wage then harass them on air like the good old days.

There can only be one Executive intern however and they must be of Jewish descent

No one can replace my david!

Area 51? They couldn't get it for 50?!

Can't wait for Anthony to talk about his divorce, and Artie can't tell us how he was on the no1 radio show blah blah blah

Did you know that Artie once fell asleep whilst Kathy Griffin was talking

That's not what he said. He said it was so fun that it he can't believe he was getting paid to do it.

Haha pool. Haha subs. Haha declining. Haha poverty.

Mah wig!

i have got to just stop being involved with this shit. It's so sad. I'm their age. It's sad.

Har har har, Artie's just way too cool, he don't care about nuffin' (sniff)

Also stated by SXM execs discussing Opie radio

Artie has more self awareness than Anthony, Opie and Jim combined .

Except when it comes to his homosexuality.


Some say he's still searching for that gun to this very day.

If you listen closely, you can hear the echoes of the Seinfeld theme and him asking where his gun is.

too true. like yeah man when I was 28 mannn spent the night in jail cu I had 1/4 ounce of weed at a phish concert maaaaannnn

no sir, u were 57 and it was a domestic violence charge placed by your wayward 19 year old pill head gf. fucking dope.

That's not true! Stop spreading misinformation about Anthony Cumia!

He beat up an anorexic girl two years ago.

...thereby becoming the champion of many who are likely guilty of the same.

Anthony has a way of normalizing everything from racism to alcoholism to 'domestic disturbance'.

I mean it's a cool car right?

He beat up an anorexic girl last year

A mentally challenged anorexic girl at that.

*bit not beat

He also smashed his jitterbug

Haha he also mentioned "the church", he couldn't possible mean the fattey Diazs church podcast can he,