Sam was unlistenable Today

28  2017-09-05 by AlvinItchyCock

The barking, the extremely boring and unfunny stories, his switching topics back to his boring stories and his fake laughing at his own shitty stories. Today's show was horrific. I've been listening to O and A since I was 10 and I don't automatically hate Sam but it was just so bad today. Covino and Rich was just a little bit worse.



A show hosted by "Primetime" Sam Roberts might not be an ideal source of one's valuable listening time with so many other superior podcast options hosted by funny, interesting, intelligent guys with voices that indicate dropped balls.

Are you implying that Sam is an underdeveloped weasel with no comedic timing and a soul-sickening cackle?

Weasels are pleasant to look at

I wish Sirius would just hire him to do the show with James Norden already.

I wish you would've died when you were 10.

I can confirm that Sam is a cunt.

You didn't like when he was making the Tim Allen noises for 20 minutes straight?

What I've learned about Sam is that a little bit goes a long way. Sam should be on the radio for AT MOST 15 minutes per show.

Sam was at his best a the shit stirring producer behind the scenes. I used to love when Sam was on a mic because you knew someone was going to get fucked with. Jimmy had a better dynamic with him then too. New Sam is just too cocky.

Best line I heard was after McGregor-Mayweather was when they talked about Ozzy's affairs and how he got busted and they asked what did the email say that he accidentally sent to Sharon.... Jimmy responded with "The cunt won't even look at me"...

By the way does Sam know absolutely anything about boxing? I'm guessing no.

I'm more knowledgeable than that coddled manchild and I know nothing about boxing. I can't imagine he has anything interesting to say about it.

at least his mic is always overmodulated

you can put this post up everyday for the near future. sams a no talent zilch