Someone asked for a recent image ...

13  2017-09-05 by Osama_Bin_Log_in


I can only imagine what that little slut pig has to put up with at home.

It looks like he has a claw mark on his tit. Either that or he's placed some sort of large kitchen utensil on it. A fetish perhaps?

Karl-Otto Koch and Ilse Koch.

Faaaaaaaake! There's no way she'd look that happy around him the past decade.

Lynsi looks like my mom did in The face

I have only seen your mom's butthole, so I wouldn't know.

Nice tits...

I bet when they have fights she says stuff like "I cant even have any Facebook or Instagram or ANYTHING bc the entire world fucking HATES you!!!"

Answer: money

Hey, it's balding cross eyed Lance Armstrong and his estranged wife.

Hey, it's balding cross eyed Lance Armstrong and his estranged wife.

We heard you!!!

tss. more like 'bamrightinlindsayscoota'

He just had to marry someone with smaller tits than his.

she fawkin loves me for me alright? it fawkin has nothing to do with the fawkin money ok?

That chick is like a 10 for a Philly girl. Just being skinny without meth teeth takes you straight to an 8.5. I'm from Philly so her shitty hooages and wooder ice accent wouldn't even kill my erection!!

She looks like she just did a couple of rails off of Bam's peckah.

Lynsi is so pretty.

I want to pull those purple tit huggers down and start slobbering on her ivory white tits