The Jim and Opie Roberts show has become a pile of shit

44  2017-09-05 by ricswrangler

The first hour of today's show was a highlight of how these two dick lovers spent their days off, complaint after complaint. Please tell me why I should listen to this garbage?


These are two boring men. They have no interesting life stories. At least Anthony is an alcoholic and women burn his clothes for being a piece of shit and things like that. Jim sits around eating greek yogurt and pistachios getting catfished by fake tranny accounts all day, and Sam rewatches SummerSlam from 2007 and has never tried alcohol. These two are uninteresting homosexual men.

has never tried alcohol

Hey that's not true, what about that time Guy Fieri slipped him some vodka and Sam reacted as though he'd just been raped even though he swallowed less than a shot.

What a creep, fucking radio is full of these shit heads, Stern and Robin being the top creeps.

It was barely even a fucking sip

Guy Fieri had the decency to grill this mongrel bastard a delicious steak and he brought booze with him to. All of this while Sam was at his fucking job "working"

The ungrateful bastard should've been fired that day

I can at least somewhat understand being upset about being secretly given drugs, but this neanderthal faggot started gagging with the steak and couldn't even take a bite. Fuck him

He started gagging trying to eat a steak? What the fuck? I never heard that episode. That honestly makes me angry. I seriously hate Sam.

gotta link to that?


Boo. Sam is autistic.

Then you niggas complain that AA is too wild and unpredictable for a good show. You faggots ain't happy with shit.

Do you have any evidence of someone saying the AA show will be too wild? I'd like to call that person a faggot or expose you as a liar.

He's loying.

No he just meant the meetings are too wild

Who the fuck has said that AA will be too wild and crazy? People have only said that it will be boring and predictable and filled with lame references to 70's TV shows. You are straight up Maki shit up.

AA are too wild and shocking, there is no need for their language and their INSANE stories of decadence and drug use, alcoholism, perversion. And yeah, Jim and Sam are a little too self oriented/banal, I don't need to hear your shaving stories, I shaved this morning too. I think they could all benefit from watching Conan.

Artie rehashing the same jokes/stories and Ant fake laughing at everything he says sure is a wild and crazy time.

Too wild? Ew nobody said too wild you liar

Lol we already know what the aa show will be, two dinosaurs talking about the good old days, they may even feel like doing a honeymooner trivia contest if they are feeling whacky

He has energy when doing Chip

More Chip, less Sam.

More Chip, less Jim

I think Jim becomes Chip more often then not and to the point where he will eventually be institutionalized, along with Anthony...and Opie.

""""Jim Norton"""" is just a character Chip developed to deal with his repressed issues

This is also Erock's daily mantra.

When wasn't it a pile of shit?

When was anything not a pile of shit.

Don't ever set your standards too high. You'll just end up stupid and bitter.

It seems like someone has told Sam he's funny. His shtick was to be a shit stirrer, a slimy douchebag. Now he actually believes he's funny. He's jumped all over Jim's lines and has added very little to the show, even going as far as to force Troy and TravDog to add something. This shit is exactly what Opie Hughes did.

It seems like someone has told Sam he's funny

Yeah. You guys. For years.

Well he is funny. In context. He's like that little shit who was on Jabba the Hut's shoulder cackling away. He's great at winding up retards and setting others up but he's not really a man, just an aging child.

Lol to think all that time he's the retard, and got a fucked up dick

Hold on, hold on, hold on, whadda you mean 'you guys' ?

i liked the show for the first month or so. can't stand it now

I was enamoured with the idea of a non-Opie O&A show for a while.

heard rasslin talk first 3 minutes in. how the fuck do you faggots give even a slightest fuck about rasslin you fucking hicks.

Hot take, that.

Tbh id start listening again if they got rid of sam amd let norton do a show where all his personalities talked to each other

It's Jim plus tough crowd people still alive and/or Anthony or it's shit. Straight forward radio guys suck

Sam had to come out of the same cunt that Tits did

Jim needs to be paired with a funny guy, plain and simple. He needs someone who can go back and forth with him comedically, that's why he's unlistenable with Opie, Sam and Matt Serra.

Do you see the pattern lol, btw Serra is funny

I'm listening to the recent episode with Bawwby.. and Sam keeps going back to the well with the "Bobby doesnt listen to this show" joke. Which he nailed once.. out of 50+ tries. I wonder how long it'll be before someone punches the tumbleweed off his head with a swift right.

Does it? I wouldn't know.

The painfully obvious 'stealth' advertisements for FIOS and MeUndies this morning were cringeworthy.

They were talking about the very fresh topic of Mayweather/McGregor when I tuned in. I had enough at about 5 minutes.

They could still be funny, but they don't talk about anything worth mining for humor. Make fun of something! Make some jokes, pick on idiots, disect terrible videos - anything! They just don't have anything interesting to talk about from their own lives, go dig up some material. They laughed it off when they lost Adrian and what's his face, but the show has taken a noticeable downturn since then. Adrian at least brought them things to talk about.


Jim won't make fun of things or pick on people anymore, and it was the only thing he was ever good at. He's 100% funnier as Chip now because he'll actually trash people and things since he can play it off as his character doing it.

Couldn't agree more that his nice guy thing is ruining his sense of humor.

Started listening to the bonfire from the start. Definitely filled the o and a hole. I have zero interest in what the original three are doing now. These two are at least interesting and fresh, especially Dan soder, not just bitching about management and saying how great they used to be.

Although ep 56 has Christines first big chunk on the mic talking about smoking crack as a teen so I worry this is were it turns to shit. She is apparently third mic now :-/

Agreed, sir. Soder is a national treasure.


You listen to it because it is the only thing on at that hours. the show was alright up till New Years then after that it has been a really shit show. what has changed in that time that fucking douce bag troy has became producer and the two other producer left

I stumbled upon Tuesdayswithstories last week so theres over 200 episodes to get me a much needed break. It's sucks that I've come to hate everyone from the o&a universe

I agree, now I can't listen without hearing how much Opie was useless and Cumia and Jimmy laughing behind his back like two teenage girls, what queens.

I enjoy Tuesdays... Beware, Joe List will piss you off - if you've ever read a book. Luckily, Mark Normand makes up for him most of the time.

What do you mean "if you've ever read a book". I'm 40 episodes deep and haven't grown any hate yet, except for Greg stone he seems like a bit of a tool.

List caused me to tap out of Tuesdays long ago. All he ever did for far too long was glorify Louis and bitch about Trump. Normand was completely left twisting in the wind. Louis could film himself raping his daughters and List would argue a man of Louis's comedic genius should be justified in carrying out such an act.

Has become? Wtf did you expect from Third Mic Worm and Opie Roberts?

There is no reason to be funny anymore. They got rid of Opie already. But the show is still listenable in the background.

It was hilarious when Opie got ousted, but then the downside of Sam Roberts as a lead mic immediately revealed its untenability. Jim really did cut off his nose to spite his face. He was so consumed with overthrowing Opie, he didn't consider that the Sam occupation could be just as big of an atrocity.


I like vacation Jimmy, it was a great show.

I was enamoured with the idea of a non-Opie O&A show for a while.

Agreed, sir. Soder is a national treasure.

I agree, now I can't listen without hearing how much Opie was useless and Cumia and Jimmy laughing behind his back like two teenage girls, what queens.

I enjoy Tuesdays... Beware, Joe List will piss you off - if you've ever read a book. Luckily, Mark Normand makes up for him most of the time.

Couldn't agree more that his nice guy thing is ruining his sense of humor.

List caused me to tap out of Tuesdays long ago. All he ever did for far too long was glorify Louis and bitch about Trump. Normand was completely left twisting in the wind. Louis could film himself raping his daughters and List would argue a man of Louis's comedic genius should be justified in carrying out such an act.