I wonder if the tranny Jim met in Iceland had a shriveled up pecka? It is cold there.

7  2017-09-05 by simbad_reb


FYI Jimmy is being forced to promote this spa in Iceland by the crime syndicate from the Eastern Bloc country that supplied the webcam "girl" that Jimmy has fallen in love with.

I used to envy Jim due to him making tons of money but now I just feel sorry for him.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of people who make money that you could look up to, how can that be the only reason? Fuck sakes what a beyond stupid comment.

"look up to" is not synonymous with "envy" you dummy

I know. What is he green or sumthin? Dvv Dvv

The dictionary is your friend, sock cucka.

It's really not that cold in Iceland, they just have shitty summers

And it's as windy as a muuug.

It's cold enough to shrivel a PECKA

There's shrinkage, tell'em Jimmy.

Once that tranny found out Jimmy had $60,000 worth of chaturbate tokens, it was love.

Is there a pic of this tyranny?